I tried dbPoweramp Ripper about 4 years ago, it wasn't a happy or enjoyable experience tbh. It doesn't matter if I lacked sufficient tech or ripping ability or not. I ripped about 50GB of CD's to FLAC, gave up, deleted the ripped music. Although every DAP I've owned so far has been able to work with WMP WAV ripping including my Cayin N8 Brass Black, the Astell & Kern SP2000 refused. A whole bunch of metadata didn't display, why Astell & Kern haven't sorted this issue out after all these years is beyond my simple understanding.
Anyway, this prompted me to purchase Ripper & Perfectunes on a 5 download basis (my previous purchase was stuck on a previous laptop LOL). I started ripping some 400 CD's yesterday (ha ha, I'd already ripped them into my new XPS 17 laptop last July in WMP WAV) and one setting made all the difference (to me) and that was leaving the rip mode in Burst Mode without error correction. I calibrated my ASUS optical drive with the first 3 CD's (phew) and I now have the first batch of 20 CD's in a new FLAC Music folder and they play just fine. Hugely impressed I have ALL the album artwork (I have about 75% of the artwork in my WMP WAV music folder) so I'm very encouraged by this. As I have a new SanDisk Ultra 512GB micro SD card & 1TB SSD on my Dell XPS 17, I'm using Uncompressed FLAC.
Perhaps I might get even better results using the Secure ripping option but I remember this caused multiple instances of some tracks not ripping after many, many attempts. Only 1 CD wasn't already on the Accurate database.
Want to thank Gary for his help & encouragement.
Anyway, this prompted me to purchase Ripper & Perfectunes on a 5 download basis (my previous purchase was stuck on a previous laptop LOL). I started ripping some 400 CD's yesterday (ha ha, I'd already ripped them into my new XPS 17 laptop last July in WMP WAV) and one setting made all the difference (to me) and that was leaving the rip mode in Burst Mode without error correction. I calibrated my ASUS optical drive with the first 3 CD's (phew) and I now have the first batch of 20 CD's in a new FLAC Music folder and they play just fine. Hugely impressed I have ALL the album artwork (I have about 75% of the artwork in my WMP WAV music folder) so I'm very encouraged by this. As I have a new SanDisk Ultra 512GB micro SD card & 1TB SSD on my Dell XPS 17, I'm using Uncompressed FLAC.
Perhaps I might get even better results using the Secure ripping option but I remember this caused multiple instances of some tracks not ripping after many, many attempts. Only 1 CD wasn't already on the Accurate database.
Want to thank Gary for his help & encouragement.