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Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

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  • Neid

    • Apr 2021
    • 4

    Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

    Only posting because the other threads go back several software versions and several years ago.

    Since installing 17.3, CD Ripper has stopped talking to the scanner. Yes, it's set as default, it's powered on, and it is accessible by other software like Paint and GIMP. When I click on the option in Ripper, I can see a second or so of the window where you can tell it's trying to run a script, and then it disappears and nothing happens.

    Again, this is only since 17.3. It worked flawlessly before then. And other than this apparent bug, I absolutely love the Poweramp suite.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

    We have not changed this code since probably r14. Try to uninstall dbpoweramp, reboot Windows and install r17.3 again. If still no go look at what security software you have.


    • CaryB

      • Feb 2009
      • 23

      Re: Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

      I’ve had this happen to me. The scanner window popped up under the other windows on the screen. It was working for me, just had to change the focus to the scanner window. Maybe this is your problem also.


      • Neid

        • Apr 2021
        • 4

        Re: Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

        Originally posted by CaryB
        I&*8217;ve had this happen to me. The scanner window popped up under the other windows on the screen. It was working for me, just had to change the focus to the scanner window. Maybe this is your problem also.
        That describes the problem perfectly, the scanner window popping up underneath everything else and then vanishing after a second. Could you please describe "changing the focus". I'm not computer illiterate but that's a new one to me.


        • CaryB

          • Feb 2009
          • 23

          Re: Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

          Its a bug in the software. (Sorry Spoon. I should have reported this already. I forgot.) The scanner window always seems to pop up in the upper left corner of the main screen. And always seems to pop up under the cd ripping window. Its really bad if you have the cd ripper window maximized. And the ripper program keeps the focus. Then you dont know what happens.

          If you hold down the windows key and tab key at the same time, you should bring up smaller versions of all the windows you have open. From there you can click on the scanner winder and it will be the window that has focus. You should now be able to use e scanner program. Just one caution. If you cancel the scanner program without actually scanning anything, it seems to lock up the cd ripper program. Or at least it does for me. Then you just have to close the ripper window and open it up again.

          Hope this works for you.
          Last edited by CaryB; April 11, 2021, 02:03 AM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

            Will check.


            • raymondo911

              • Apr 2021
              • 1

              Re: Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

              Hi. I am hoping you can help. My CD Ripper app has suddenly stopped adding album art when I add a CD and manually add data from discogs using the Manual Metedata Search function. The app adds the track info from Discogs when I use the copy url function but for some reason has stopped adding the album art. What I have done so far to fox the issue:
              - Uninstalled/Reintalled the app including restarting before reinstalling it - using the latest 17.3 release.
              - I have used the dBpoweramp-Reset tool.
              - Checked and removed manually all dbpoweramp reg entries before re-installing the app.
              - checked my firewall settings and all are allowing dbpoweramp to connect to the internet.

              Is there anything that I have missed that can resolve the issue? Grateful for thoughts and anything that I may have missed. Thanks in advance


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

                I read that Discogs has shut off the album art to external programs, you can click the cd disc icon after retrieving and dBpoweramp will present choices from the net.


                • Neid

                  • Apr 2021
                  • 4

                  Re: Scanning album art in 17.3 stopped working

                  Hey, all. A week later after trying to diagnose my printer/scanner settings using the HP utility, and after having lost my boot sector and Windows installation in the process (it's actually not the first time the HP software has done it), I have a new Windows 10 machine on an SSD. Yes, really.

                  So, I was able to reinstall 17.3 and get all my AppData copied over from the old drive and was even able to retrieve the old registry settings from the old drive (for things like my Ripper settings). The focus problem continues as described by myself and others. Only this time it's not hanging up my machine and Win10 is only recognizing a "default scanner" in another room in the house.

                  I am able to see some scanned album art but only after using the taskbar to Show the Desktop and after a series of Alt-Tabs.

                  At this point I humble agree it's a bug but not as major a one as I first thought.

                  Again, thanks.

