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dBpoweramp and Discogs - how good does this work?

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  • yosemite

    • Mar 2010
    • 22

    dBpoweramp and Discogs - how good does this work?


    I think over the years I have bought 3 updates of dBpoweramp. Currently I am running dBpoweramp 15.x which still does a good job. Although I don't collect what I would call obscure taste of music I never was really happy with the metadata. Even in those cases when metadata was provided I had to reedit a lot because of false names, missing remix names and most of all bad quality of the cover. I mainly collect soul, funk and boogie from 79-83, jazz from the 70s and early 80s and also house music from approx. 1995 to more recent years. Today - also because there isn't really any metadata source left for 15.x - I have to enter 95%+ of the data by hand.

    Discogs has always been a good source to find really obscure information or stuff you wouldn't find elsewhere.

    I have been a "silent" user for most of the time but recently I not only started to enter part of my collection in Discogs (after 1,000 discs I already realized how much money I have "wasted" instead of saving it or buying a better house) but also started to contribute which is fun as it's nice to give back to the community. question good does dBpoweramp work with Discogs? What are the shortcomings? How well does it detect the correct release when there are multiple pressings etc. available?
    I would be more than happy to buy yet another upgrade to 17.x but it only makes sense to me when it takes good advantage of Discogs.

    Your opinions and experience is highly appreciated! Thank you.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: dBpoweramp and Discogs - how good does this work?

    R17 has a manual search of discogs for discs which do not populate automatically, or you can copy the disc release url to the clipboard and the disc is loaded into the manual search page.


    • yosemite

      • Mar 2010
      • 22

      Re: dBpoweramp and Discogs - how good does this work?

      Thank you, Spoon! I already did some "research" on the forum before my post and in particular liked the idea to copy the disc release URL if the automatism doesn't work.

      I was looking for some first hand experience from users, e.g. "...does work great in 95% of the cases and solves the rest via manual URL copy.." or something like that.

