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Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

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  • Schnitger

    • Oct 2014
    • 12

    Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

    I'm new to the forum and a long term, non-technical user of dBPoweramp. I've recently installed a new Windows 10 PC and installed dBP v17, having previously used v15 on Windows 8.1. It's been some time since I've ripped CDs and I'm having a few issues, particularly with dynamic naming and metadata searches (I understand that the likes of Music Brainz have left dBP - a shame as this was a great feature).

    The problem with dynamic naming has started since the last Windows 10 update: despite selecting a naming filename and clicking OK, when a CD is ripped dBP does not recognise the filename. Instead, a message is shown during the rip that says 'not required for encoder'. I've used this filename for years and until now it has worked without issue.

    I suspect Windows has messed around with some settings as before the Windows update dBPoweramp would automatically open when a CD was inserted into the disc drive, but now dBP has to be manually selected after inserting a CD. In addition to this, a message appeared on the screen prompting me to 'take no action' or 'rip CD'. I assumed this was a Windows based message and selected 'take no action' - I've not seen this before from dBP.

    I have uninstalled Windows Groove Music in case it was the source of the problem, but to no avail.

    Can anyone give any advice on how to get dynamic naming working again? I've attached an image of the 'no required for encoder' screen.

    Many thanks.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	dBP.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	84.2 KB
ID:	297608
    Last edited by Schnitger; February 14, 2021, 06:09 PM.
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

    Originally posted by Schnitger
    I'm new to the forum and a long term, non-technical user of dBPoweramp. I've recently installed a new Windows 10 PC and installed dBP v17, having previously used v15 on Windows 8.1. It's been some time since I've ripped CDs and I'm having a few issues, particularly with dynamic naming and metadata searches (I understand that the likes of Music Brainz have left dBP - a shame as this was a great feature).

    The problem with dynamic naming has started since the last Windows 10 update: despite selecting a naming filename and clicking OK, when a CD is ripped dBP does not recognise the filename. Instead, a message is shown during the rip that says 'not required for encoder'. I've used this filename for years and until now it has worked without issue.

    I suspect Windows has messed around with some settings as before the Windows update dBPoweramp would automatically open when a CD was inserted into the disc drive, but now dBP has to be manually selected after inserting a CD. In addition to this, a message appeared on the screen prompting me to 'take no action' or 'rip CD'. I assumed this was a Windows based message and selected 'take no action' - I've not seen this before from dBP.

    I have uninstalled Windows Groove Music in case it was the source of the problem, but to no avail.

    Can anyone give any advice on how to get dynamic naming working again? I've attached an image of the 'no required for encoder' screen.

    Many thanks.

    Regarding the automatic starting of dbpa for ripping, Windows has a setting as to what to do when you insert a CD. You told it do nothing, but you seem to want it to start dbpa. You will need to change that setting in Windows.

    Regarding why it does not want naming string (and instead says "not required for encoder" is very odd. I've never seen anyone mention that problem. At first I thought you'd selected a utility codec that doesn't write files (like TEST CONVERSION). But in the picture it shows that FLAC is the selected encoder. So seems odd.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44845

      Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

      If you run dBpoweramp control Centre, does it say Referenced Registered? or Powerpack or Unregistered?


      • Schnitger

        • Oct 2014
        • 12

        Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

        Originally posted by garym
        Regarding the automatic starting of dbpa for ripping, Windows has a setting as to what to do when you insert a CD. You told it do nothing, but you seem to want it to start dbpa. You will need to change that setting in Windows.

        Regarding why it does not want naming string (and instead says "not required for encoder" is very odd. I've never seen anyone mention that problem. At first I thought you'd selected a utility codec that doesn't write files (like TEST CONVERSION). But in the picture it shows that FLAC is the selected encoder. So seems odd.
        Yes, I told Windows not to rip CD. I'd never seen this message before. The Windows 10 update caused a few glitches and at the time I suspected the message did not relate to dBP, but related to Groove Music. Clearly this was a mistake so I'll have to search Windows to try to rectify it.


        • Schnitger

          • Oct 2014
          • 12

          Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

          Originally posted by Spoon
          If you run dBpoweramp control Centre, does it say Referenced Registered? or Powerpack or Unregistered?
          It says Reference Registered - Fully Registered. I see there's an update to 17.3. I'll update on the off-chance it makes a difference.

          Failing that, if I delete dBP can I re-install it,starting 'from new' so to speak?

          Edit: updating to 17.3 has enabled me to change a Windows setting so dBP opens automatically when a CD is loaded, but dynamic naming is still not working, the message 'not required for encoder ' still showing.

          How do I remove/delete a string? If I can delete and re-install them, it could solve the situation (I haven't got a clue what I'm doing here!)

          I see Husker has also posted a message concerning dynamic naming problems in dBP v17.3. Could this indicate a bug in 17.3? Like Husker, I've been using the same string for years with no problems, until now.
          I've used the following naming convention for years with no issues: [IFCOMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],Various Artists[]\[year] - [album][IFMULTI] - [disc_total] CD[]\FLAC\[IFMULTI]Disc [disc][]\[track] - [artist] - [title][]\[IF!COMP][artist]\[year] - [album][IFMULTI] - [disc_total] CD[]\FLAC\[IFMULTI]Disc
          Last edited by Schnitger; February 15, 2021, 01:30 AM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

            Set the encoder as multi encoder, and on the multi encoder page just add flac.


            • Schnitger

              • Oct 2014
              • 12

              Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

              Originally posted by Spoon
              Set the encoder as multi encoder, and on the multi encoder page just add flac.
              Thanks very much for the suggestion. My next question reveals how non-technical I am: how do I find the encoder? A daft question maybe, but I've spent about an hour looking for it,but with no success


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44845

                Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

                Multi Encoder is under 'Rip To' at the moment you have flac selected, choose multi-encoder instead, and on the encoder settings section this is where you add flac (into multi-encoder).


                • Schnitger

                  • Oct 2014
                  • 12

                  Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  Multi Encoder is under 'Rip To' at the moment you have flac selected, choose multi-encoder instead, and on the encoder settings section this is where you add flac (into multi-encoder).
                  Ah, got it! Thanks for replying. I've done as suggested, but the issue now is that the ripped CD is sent to the wrong destination. Both Path and Naming remain greyed out during ripping and the rip is buried in the C Drive. I can't see anything in multi-encoder settings that enables the path to be set.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44845

                    Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

                    On the multi-encoder page, when you added flac to the multi-encoder, each added encoder has its own naming section, edit the flac you have added and change it.


                    • Schnitger

                      • Oct 2014
                      • 12

                      Re: Dynamic Naming problems - Windows 10 conflict?

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      On the multi-encoder page, when you added flac to the multi-encoder, each added encoder has its own naming section, edit the flac you have added and change it.
                      Thanks very much for your help - much appreciated. Your advice works. I have now noticed that I'd entered one of the strings incorrectly (leaving out a bracket), which accounted for some of the issues. I still find that whether using the multi-encoder or FLAC encoder, the message 'not required for encoder' is present. However, things seem to be working perfectly well now.

                      It's a shame about the loss of metadata providers as I rip quite obscure classical discs and am finding I have to enter metadata by hand fairly frequently. That's quite a task when ripping a 33 CD box set of the complete works of Debussy. It does mean ripping is becoming increasingly difficult for more obscure discs (and the box set in question is not particularly obscure).

