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Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

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  • alex1977

    • Feb 2017
    • 33

    Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

    I have an active GD3 account i made a new one and it says i have 100 uses available so that's not the issue - I'm on windows dell laptop - was ripping just fine yesterday - i don't know why today it's not - i restarted computer and Nimbie - please help.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

    Gd3 is not the only provider, ensure using latest batch ripper and check your security software.


    • alex1977

      • Feb 2017
      • 33

      Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

      Hi it all of a sudden started working again - but after about 20 rips - again Batch ripper keeps saying "no meta data found" these are all standard classical cds - i've ripped 1,000's with my nimbie - this is a new glitch - i use GD3 i pay for it GD3 says i have plenty or rips available - i did update all software - i've looked at my connections - i'm just totally miffed - what's going on? I don't have much security software, and it's never been a problem just basic windows defender - help! Otherwise can you recommend another software i can use unfortunately - i can't rip for weeks now.

      How can i check both CD ripper and batch ripper to see if i have current versions? I don't really need R17 right it's just for multiusers correct? R17 seems i have to pay again?

      Can someone help me i hate this forum method, if you guys take people's money you should offer phone support. I've been dealing with this on and off since March...
      Last edited by alex1977; December 11, 2020, 04:14 AM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

        > CD ripper and batch ripper to see if i have current versions?

        If you are using R16 then is not the latest version, however Batch Ripper does not need R17 for metadata. Install the latest batch ripper from here:

        In Batch Ripper click the metadata button, and enable the option 'manual review', this will show where the metadata came from, then insert a popular (non-classical) CD, does it populate from all the providers?

        Microsoft will charge $400 for a 30 minute support call, we charge $30 for the whole software...


        • alex1977

          • Feb 2017
          • 33

          Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

          Glad to pay 400 dollars to you to solve this! I will pay you whatever you want if you get on call and screen share and just fix this for me - I just gave you $20 more dollars and i upgraded to 17 we'll see what happens - do i need to upgrade batch ripper too?
          Last edited by alex1977; December 12, 2020, 02:52 AM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

            Yes upgrade Batch Ripper also.


            • alex1977

              • Feb 2017
              • 33

              Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

              so i upgraded disc ripper - to 17 - but how do i upgrade batch ripper please - and by the way it still is giving me the no meta data error...


              • alex1977

                • Feb 2017
                • 33

                Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

                I can't find anywhere within batch ripper that indicates what version it is - so odd - all software i know of has an ABOUT with the version you are using - i don't know if i need to update if i have R4?


                • alex1977

                  • Feb 2017
                  • 33

                  Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

                  So i was just going to pay for it again and risk it but when i tried to load it says i have relsease 4 already - as same with the nimbie driver - so any suggestions of what i can do next to get this to work again?

                  And for some strange reason it seem to find data for 1 cd when i tried - some message about accurip needed to configured i typed yes - it reipped, then next several cd's it's can't find data again.... help!

                  any recommended settings?

                  Could it be the Nimbie? I thought it could be the cable, but it's communicating with batch ripper and loading and trying cd's - it cant find metadata.

                  Now it's all of a sudden working again - it's ripping a cd - again these are all major classical lables and cd's i've burned 1,000 of them - do you think it could be the Nimbie - i did email them today to ask them that.

                  it will likely stop working again - so don't consider this fixed - it worked earlier as i said then couldn't find 7 cds
                  Last edited by alex1977; December 16, 2020, 01:59 AM.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Batch Ripper / Nimbie - not finding any meta data for any cds all of a sudden

                    Enable the metadata option &*8216;manual review&*8221;, insert a popular cd and see if all the providers are populated.

