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Some of my FLAC files wont play or can not be moved to another storage location.

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  • Bjorn43

    • Sep 2018
    • 8

    Some of my FLAC files wont play or can not be moved to another storage location.

    I have used the CD Ripper to rip more than 1500 CDs into FLAC. I have kept these files on a separate HD. Today I started to move copies of the files to my Synaptics DS218+ NAS. Files appeared to copy fine but when I decided to make double check a selected a select bunch of files from the original HD and compared to the copied files on the NAS I found that several were missing. No error report from my NAS or manything.

    I then went and checked the files that had not transferred and found that they will not play on any of my players. Furthermore, when attempting to check their ID Tags using Windows "Edit ID Tag" I can not do that either because that function is not available for those files.

    I'm pretty sure that all the files I have ripped without any reported errors. Transferring more than 16000 FLAC files to my NAS not knowing which ones that have not transferred is obviously a major problem.

    I would be grateful for any insight into what could be wrong here?
  • schmidj
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2013
    • 526

    Re: Some of my FLAC files wont play or can not be moved to another storage location.

    I'd look at the length of the file and directory names (fully qualified names, that means the entire name starting at the root directory) to start. Sometimes the naming profile people have used generated very long filenames due to long metadata tags. Most common in classical tracks where the title metadata may have all kinds of detail. Works fine in the tag, but generates far too long a filename.

    I recall (possibly incorrectly) that SAMBA, the system routine on most Linux servers which interfaces with Windows operating systems is limited to 255 total characters.

    I know that I ran into this issue not long after I started ripping and had to shorten filenames (not the tags, just the filenames). There is a function you can use in the naming routine called maxlength which if judiciously applied (watch out that you don't create duplicate filenames by chopping out important parts of filenames) can avoid this.

    I also seem to recall where the part that SAMBA truncated included the .flac part at the end of the filename, which, of course made it impossible for your player to play it.

    This I'm sure isn't the only possible problem, but it is one that messed me up.


    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: Some of my FLAC files wont play or can not be moved to another storage location.

      Before proceeding any further, I suggest you run Test Conversion on all flac files on the original HD, to rule out any file corruption.


      • Bjorn43

        • Sep 2018
        • 8

        Re: Some of my FLAC files wont play or can not be moved to another storage location.

        Thanks for your suggestion, How do I run a "Test Conversion"? My file names are long but not anywhere near 256 if that is the max. number of characters. Just to be sure I attempted to shorten the name of a file name on a file that did not play and found that the name can no be changed. And I can not see the "ID Tags" when using opening "properties".

        And, just found that the files in question do not open and play using AIMP or Windows Media Player but they play fine in my Groove Music player.
        Last edited by Bjorn43; May 20, 2020, 04:05 PM.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Some of my FLAC files wont play or can not be moved to another storage location.

          You would use Batch Converter, select the root folder >> click Convert and choose the Encoder as 'Test Conversion'

          If the files are corrupted then will say at end, otherwise all ok.

