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Metadata tag punctuation problem.

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  • tpizzle

    • Feb 2020
    • 2

    Metadata tag punctuation problem.

    For metadata, I want dbpoweramp to use only commas in the contributing artists and composers tags instead of semi-colons followed by commas, which is default. You see, Windows and iTunes don't list any names after the semi-colons. My lists of names for contributing artists and composers are only one name long! When I go into each track and change the tags' semi-colon to a comma my problem goes away.
    All names will be listed in Windows and iTunes. Doing that manually takes too long, though, and I'd like it done automatically. I've gone into settings and added a rule to replace ';' with ',' but have failed to get the desired result. Please advise.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Metadata tag punctuation problem.

    Include the DSP effect 'ID Tag Processing' in there is an option: Multiple artists to 'Artist1; Artist2' for non multi artist aware programs.

    The players you mention are not able to handle contributing need the above.


    • tpizzle

      • Feb 2020
      • 2

      Re: Metadata tag punctuation problem.

      Perfect! Thanks a million.

