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DSP - change settings after ripping

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  • jarweb

    • Feb 2020
    • 3

    DSP - change settings after ripping


    Apologies if this has been asked previously.

    I recently purchased DBPoweramp and proceeded to start ploughing through ripping my CD collection (about 500CDs). I've just discovered that I maybe should have set the ReplayGain DSP setting but didn't.

    I obviously do not want to do this all again so is there a way to apply DSP settings when the CD has already been ripped ? Does the batch converter do this ? Not a disaster if it can't be done but might be useful to do.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: DSP - change settings after ripping

    Yes if using Windows, visit codec central (link above) and install the Utility codec 'ReplayGain'. Then use Batch Converter, select all your music >> choose the encoded as [ReplayGain] and it is applied without reencoding.


    • jarweb

      • Feb 2020
      • 3

      Re: DSP - change settings after ripping

      Hi. Thanks for that.

      I did see what looked like the option to add DSP effects within Batch Converter (without installing anything else) but wasn't quite sure what it did regarding editing the files. Does installing the separate utility add something else not available by default in Batch Converter ?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: DSP - change settings after ripping

        DSP effects are only used whilst converting the files from one format to another, which is not best for adding replaygain tags.


        • jarweb

          • Feb 2020
          • 3

          Re: DSP - change settings after ripping


          Sorry - being stupid but not sure what you mean by this ? The DSP options are available to set during the ripping process and not only when converting. Or are you taking the ripping as a conversion process ? And do you mean it's best not to add the replaygain tags after already ripping but during ?

          But what I actually meant by my question was that the option to add the DSP effects as you mentioned in your first reply - "Then use Batch Converter, select all your music >> choose the encoded as [ReplayGain] and it is applied without reencoding" - was there before I installed the ReplayGain utility separately. So I was just wondering if installing the utility separately from the main product added any additional functionality ?


