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Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

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  • leeeeen

    • Jan 2020
    • 5

    Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

    My CD Ripper is not showing any artwork, on any CD, on the editor window.
    On the bottom right corner, it is just always blank.

    Here's a screenshot:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	dbpoweramp_screenshot.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	79.4 KB
ID:	297441

    If I click the blank area, it shows an image selection window,
    and I can select image as usual, but when I go back to the editor,
    it's just blank.

    If I start ripping, that image will be added to the file just fine.

    It's just that I cannot see any image on the editor,
    everything else works fine,
    but it's so inconvenient.

    My registered version (file) is:

    I bought it when I was using an Windows 7 PC.
    There was no problem when I was using that PC.
    The problem started after I changed to a new Windows 10 PC.

    I tried re-installing the application but nothing changed.

    Is there anything I can do about it?
    Last edited by leeeeen; January 21, 2020, 10:59 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

    What is you screen resolution? it needs to be 1024x pixels wide to be shown.


    • leeeeen

      • Jan 2020
      • 5

      Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

      Hi Spoon,

      Thank you for your reply!

      "1080 x 1920 (Recommended)" is selected for all the monitors - I have four monitors now.

      I tried changing to other options such as 768 x 1024 which is very big!
      but it does't seem to have any effect on the window display.

      I was using three of the four monitors when I was using the Windows 7 PC
      (maybe with the same resolution setting) with no problem.
      I added one more monitor (same product as the other monitors) when moving to Windows 10 PC.
      (I'm not sure if it's related but just in case if it is)


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

        The main monitor has to have the largest resolution (monitor 1).


        • leeeeen

          • Jan 2020
          • 5

          Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

          Hi Spoon,

          "1920 x 1080 (Recommended)" , the current setting, seems to be the highest resolution.
          All the monitors are set to this resolution.
          (sorry I wrote 1080 x 1920 but it was actually the other way around)



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

            Try restarting windows with only your largest resolution screen connected.


            • leeeeen

              • Jan 2020
              • 5

              Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

              Thank you again for your reply.

              1. Connected only one monitor (- mother board HDMI) - Displayed!
              2. Added one more monitor (- video card HDMI) - Displayed!
              3. Added one more monitor (- video card VGA) - it disappeared again...
              3' So instead added the monitor to the video card DVI - Displayed!
              4 Added the final monitor (- video card VGA) - disappeared ...

              Specs -----------------------------------------
              Mother board - TUF H370-PRO GAMING (HDMI x 1)
              Video Card - NVIDIA GeForce GT730 (VGA x 1, DVI x 1, HDMI x 1)
              Monitors - EIZO_FlexScan_EV2336W x 3
              EIZO_FlexScan_EV2336W-Z x 1

              So, if I don't connect the fourth monitor (VGA),
              this problem doesn't occur! This is a good news!
              but this is my work pc so I wish I could keep the monitor environment.

              Do you have any suggestion if I want to keep using the four monitors,
              and also display this area?
              I would consider changing the pc components if needed.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44845

                Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

                What resolution is the VGA monitor?

                I am guessing that the system is thinking this VGA monitor is the main screen.

                You can get vga monitors with higher resolutions.


                • leeeeen

                  • Jan 2020
                  • 5

                  Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

                  Thank you Spoon!! I think the problem was solved!

                  The resolution of the four monitors are the same,
                  but I was using two of the monitors with vertical orientation (1080 x 1920),
                  instead of lateral (1920 x 1080).

                  It seems this problem occurs when one of the vertical monitors were set to main display.

                  As you said " it needs to be 1024x pixels wide to be shown." in the first place, exactly!
                  Thank you so much for your time.


                  • gbaby

                    • Oct 2019
                    • 11

                    Re: Artwork not showing (after moving to Windows 10)

                    Keep windows 7 just for dbpoweramp. Get a used MacBook Pro for everything else. Its virus proof. In any event, I have kept my Windows 7 on two computers, but only use it for dbPoweramp. This is a safe usage.
                    Last edited by gbaby; February 18, 2020, 12:57 AM.

