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Issues ripping audiobook CDs

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  • nikeno

    • Jan 2020
    • 6

    Issues ripping audiobook CDs


    I am having consistent issues ripping audiobook CDs, especially the last few tracks of any disk. The disks don't appear to be badly damaged, and CD players seem to be able to play them without noticeable gaps or stuttering. However, DBPoweramp has to re-rip several hundred frames per track, and takes a very long time. I have seen this behaviour with two different optical drives (one Pioneer DVD drive, one Samsung Blu-Ray drive).

    Typically, but not always, the disks are not found in the Accurate Rip database. It has happened many times, with different disks.

    Is there a reasonable set of secure rip settings I can use to instruct DBPoweramp to emulate a standard CD player if a bit perfect rip is not possible?

    I tried playing with the secure settings, but can't seem to get the result I want. Either it takes forever, or the process aborts.

    Any suggestions would be helpful.

    Also, is there some way to reset the secure rip settings to default? I messed them up, and forgot to note what the detaults were. I can't find any way to reset to default.


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Issues ripping audiobook CDs

    Try setting to this:



    • nikeno

      • Jan 2020
      • 6

      Re: Issues ripping audiobook CDs

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Thank you.

      I notice that the option to interpolate unrecoverable frames is unchecked in the page linked -- why is this?

      Also, if secure ripping is aborted, does the drive process revert to burst mode? Or does the whole process terminate without writing any file? It is not clear to me what if anything is saved, in the event that a secure rip fails.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Issues ripping audiobook CDs

        Most drives self interpolate better.

        Yes if aborted the data is what is already ripped, which is burst.


        • nikeno

          • Jan 2020
          • 6

          Re: Issues ripping audiobook CDs

          Thanks. I tried this method, but I get errors like this:

          Information converting to Apple AAC, 'Track 15' to '/Users/vvatsal/Desktop/P. G. Wodehouse/Right Ho, Jeeves, Disc 1/1-15.m4a'
          ** Aborted: Have to ReRip 1350 Frames, Re-Rip Limit Set to 100 Frames
          Track 15: Ripped LBA 253492 to 275419 (4:52) in 1:11. Filename: /Users/vvatsal/Desktop/P. G. Wodehouse/Right Ho, Jeeves, Disc 1/1-15._
          Insecure [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 2, Re-Rip 1350 Frames]
          Insecure [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 2, Re-Rip 1350 Frames]
          ** Aborted: Have to ReRip 1350 Frames, Re-Rip Limit Set to 100 Frames
          Information converting to Apple AAC, 'Track 16' to '/Users/vvatsal/Desktop/P. G. Wodehouse/Right Ho, Jeeves, Disc 1/1-16.m4a'
          ** Aborted: Have to ReRip 376 Frames, Re-Rip Limit Set to 100 Frames
          Track 16: Ripped LBA 275419 to 288949 (3:00) in 0:28. Filename: /Users/vvatsal/Desktop/P. G. Wodehouse/Right Ho, Jeeves, Disc 1/1-16._
          Insecure [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 376 Frames]
          Insecure [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 376 Frames]
          ** Aborted: Have to ReRip 376 Frames, Re-Rip Limit Set to 100 Frames
          Information converting to Apple AAC, 'Track 17' to '/Users/vvatsal/Desktop/P. G. Wodehouse/Right Ho, Jeeves, Disc 1/1-17.m4a'
          Track 17: ERROR Ripping LBA 288949 to 304882 (3:32) in 1:37. Filename: /Users/vvatsal/Desktop/P. G. Wodehouse/Right Ho, Jeeves, Disc 1/1-17._
          Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 304419 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 304882)
          Information converting to Apple AAC, 'Track 18' to '/Users/vvatsal/Desktop/P. G. Wodehouse/Right Ho, Jeeves, Disc 1/1-18.m4a'
          Track 18: ERROR Ripping LBA 304882 to 320052 (3:22) in 2:18. Filename: /Users/vvatsal/Desktop/P. G. Wodehouse/Right Ho, Jeeves, Disc 1/1-18._
          Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 304960 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 320052)

          I guess this indicates a damaged disk, and no file was saved, but I am wondering whether there is a way to tell the ripper to simply go in to burst mode, or to emulate a CD player and interpolate the missing frames (as CD players can play the disk fine).

          Is this possible? Or is there some other option?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44847

            Re: Issues ripping audiobook CDs

            It does indicate the disc is damaged, or has manufacturing defects. You can switch to burst mode manually for such CDs.


            • nikeno

              • Jan 2020
              • 6

              Re: Issues ripping audiobook CDs

              Originally posted by Spoon
              It does indicate the disc is damaged, or has manufacturing defects. You can switch to burst mode manually for such CDs.
              Thank you.

              I tried another optical drive, and this time the tracks were ripped but came out as inaccurate. The ripper also reported that the tracks were not in the Accurate Rip Database, which is weird, because the preceding tracks were all listed as Accurate and the CD is listed in as being in the database (see screen grab). Is this a pressing/manufacturing issue? Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2020-01-14 at 7.59.44 AM.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	62.1 KB
ID:	294196

              Just to be clear, what do the terms "inaccurate" and "insecure" mean, precisely? What is the difference between the two?

              And what is the difference between "secure" and "ultra secure"?

              Finally, does burst mode ripping mean that the ripper emulates a CD player?

              Thanks for all the help! It's much appreciated.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44847

                Re: Issues ripping audiobook CDs

                Statuses are listed here:

                Ultra secure just tries more times to spot errors, most people do not need this.

                Burst accepts what-ever the CD drive produces, small errors tend to be interpolated to silence by the drive.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44847

                  Re: Issues ripping audiobook CDs

                  The other person might have had rip errors on the last tracks, hence why they are not in the database.

