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ReplayGain Track Gain question

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  • gsa99

    • Jan 2020
    • 20

    ReplayGain Track Gain question

    I have been testing the impact of changing the LUFS setting on the EBU R128 ReplayGain DSP, and getting some results which I don't understand

    Below is an image of a summary of a CD with 19 tracks - the first 4 columns shown the ReplayGain results using -18 and the second 4 columns show the results using -15.

    I was expecting to see a difference of 3 on AlbumGain which I am seeing - so that's fine, but also on the TrackGain, but as you can see whilst some tracks are showing a difference of 3 others are either showing no difference at all (those in yellow) or a figure other than 3

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Clipboard01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	87.7 KB
ID:	297435

    Why would the track gain not change by 3 on every track?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: ReplayGain Track Gain question

    You are looking at it as though it is a fixed offset, when it is a range, for example if the end calculated value as 0dB (no change) then it would not matter if -18 LUFS was used, or -1000 LUFS, that is why you are not seeing the changes for values close to zero.


    • gsa99

      • Jan 2020
      • 20

      Re: ReplayGain Track Gain question


      I ripped a CD a couple of days ago using Volume Normalize and a 3dB setting to bring down to LUFS -15
      I did same CD again today using same settings and get slightly different results. See below (I ran Replaygain DSP afterwards using Convert to and LUFS-15 to populate tags)

      RG AlbumGain RG AlbumPeak RG TrackGain RG TrackPeak
      +0.79 dB 1.050874 -1.21 dB 1.024295 2 days ago
      +0.79 dB 1.069817 -1.25 dB 1.028794 today

      in the txt file the parameters for each rip shows slightly differently and I dont know why. I'm assuming this is the reason for the differences above

      2 DAYS AGO
      Encoder: mp3 (Lame) -b 320
      DSP Effects / Actions: -dspeffect1="Volume Normalize= -mode={qt}ebu{qt} -maxamp={qt}8{qt} -desiredb={qt}3{qt} -adapt_wnd={qt}6000{qt} -fixed={qt}3{qt}"

      Encoder: mp3 (Lame) -b 320
      DSP Effects / Actions: -dspeffect1="Volume Normalize= -mode={qt}ebu{qt} -maxamp={qt}8{qt} -desiredb={qt}3{qt} -adapt_wnd={qt}6000{qt} -fixed={qt}0{qt}"

      Where is the -fixed parameter coming from and why would it be 3 on one rip and 0 on the other?



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: ReplayGain Track Gain question

        Fixed is not used as you have the mode to ebu, it is only used if the mode is 'fixed', however the fixed value is remembered even though the option is not used.

