When ripping a CD, I spend the majority of my time searching and correcting metadata. Way too much time. Discogs is notoriously inaccurate with composers. Freedb doesn't even have composers and the rest that are available simply aren't very accurate as well. They can't be trusted. Some even take the previous composer and inserts it for composers that have blank spaces. That always flabbergasts me and I find myself smacking my own forehead. Why??? would they do that? Why do they insert inaccurate data just to fill blanks? I was wondering if you're ever considered starting your own database for metadata. I know you have PerfecTUNES, but I'm talking about a simple retrieval db, similar to what is already present in the ripper with these other inaccurate dbs. You could set it up similarly to AccurateRip, or what I assume would be similar, whereby the data gets submitted once a month or so and then only the matches are kept as retrievable metadata and even possible locked down after so many similar submissions. This would make the program so much more valuable to me and others and then you wouldn't need Discogs, Music Brainz, et al. After awhile, people would come to view the metadata as being just as accurate as they do the rip status now. If this isn't an option, is it possible to pull this data from Wikipedia? I find them to be much more accurate than any of these that are available at this time. That's usually where I go and do a lot of copying and pasting. Thanks for what you've created so far, I just want more.
