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AccurateRip support broken ?

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  • Damper

    • Sep 2019
    • 17

    AccurateRip support broken ?

    Either I don't understand dbPoweramp's AR implementation, or it is seriously broken.
    I just did a rip of a CD on 2 different machines, because some tracks don't get AR results. I compare the results by comparing the AR tags in the files, not the GUI (because that has been confirmed buggy here :
    Well, it appears that I have tracks that have an AR rip on both machines, yet the MP3 file has a different CRC in the ACCURATERIPRESULT tag on both machines. Surely this cannot be correct ?!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: AccurateRip support broken ?

    Which CRC? AccurateRip CRC or a general audio CRC?

    >not the GUI (because that has been confirmed buggy here

    The bug only applies to Defective by design ripping, you perhaps only need to enable this for 1 disc out of 1000.


    • Damper

      • Sep 2019
      • 17

      Re: AccurateRip support broken ?

      Apologies, I may have accidentally compared 2 different CDs. I cannot reproduce it with the CD that I thought I had checked with.
      Could not find my post afterwards, and only seeing it now (I guess posts need to be approved first ?).

