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Speeding up Ultra Secure rip ?

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  • Damper

    • Sep 2019
    • 17

    Speeding up Ultra Secure rip ?

    I have a number of problematic Copy Control CDs which look like I can actually still get AccurateRip ripped on my old laptop's internal DVD drive.

    However, one of the CDs (CD2 from Kraftwerk Minimum-Maximum) is a tough one. Burst and regular Secure both fail to rip an AccurateRip result. However, I tried a track with Ultra Secure settings and low and behold, I got an AccurateRip result out of it. The major drawback... the rip took around 60 (yes, sixty) hours (yes hours) to complete. I'm not sure how Ultra Secure works, but it looked like apart from the initial rip, the drive was not active/spinning at all during every re-rip. The GUI shows it's re-ripping with a number of frames that starts at like 70.000 and then decreases one by one until it reaches 0 and then the rip was complete/accurate. I really thought this was supposed to read the CD over and over again, but the laptop was dead quiet during those 2.5 days and disk was definitely not being read.

    So, what does Ultra Secure then actually do during that huge re-rip period ? And is there a way to speed things up ? I wouldn't mind it taking an entire day for 1 CD, but we are looking at 12 tracks and therefore a full month to rip just 1 CD !
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Speeding up Ultra Secure rip ?

    A frame is a section of the track which is highlighted as having errors, 70000 is pretty much the whole track. There is no way to speed that up.


    • Damper

      • Sep 2019
      • 17

      Re: Speeding up Ultra Secure rip ?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      A frame is a section of the track which is highlighted as having errors, 70000 is pretty much the whole track. There is no way to speed that up.
      Ah, so it first rips and sees per frame whether there are errors, and then re-rips all that have ? So it is supposed to actually re-read every frame then ? Need to go check my laptop/drive again cause it must be re-ripping ultra quietly.


      • Damper

        • Sep 2019
        • 17

        Re: Speeding up Ultra Secure rip ?

        I experimented some further and noticed that a regular Secure rip may also yield different results. A track that did not accurately get ripped with Secure, can get an Accurate rip when rerunning a Secure rip. So that definitely speeds up things compared to Ultra Secure.

