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Rejecting tracks with errors, and re-ripping only missing tracks.

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  • HankyPanky

    • Mar 2017
    • 6

    Rejecting tracks with errors, and re-ripping only missing tracks.

    If I have two copies of the same CD, copy A and copy B. Both have some damage to them I want to extract the secure tracks from both CDs and reject anything that isn't secure. e.g.

    If on copy A, tracks 1-5 rip OK but 6-10 have issues, I only want dbpoweramp to rip and encode tracks 1-5.

    If I then rip copy B where tracks 1-3 won't rip cleanly but tracks 4-10 will, I want dbpoweramp to only attempt to rip tracks 6-10. i.e. ignore tracks 1-5 as they are already on disk and therefore assumed to be accurate.

    I'm using the multi-encoder of R16.6 to transcode to FLAC and MP3.
    - Under CD Ripper Secure options, I've selected "Mark track as error if insecure".
    - In the DSP section of the multi encoder as well as the DSPs under each of the encoders I've set the "Delete destination file on error". I believe this should prevent the encoder even starting to encode a track that is not accurate.
    - In the DSP section of the multi encoder as well as the DSPs under each of the encoders I've set the "Conditional encoding" DSP to skip the file if the destination exists.

    When I rip CD A, it rips and transcodes tracks 1-5. This is OK as tracks 1-5 are ripping securely. Tracks 6-10 are reporting as "Error" and nothing is being written. All good so far.

    I then try to rip the second copy of the same CD. Tracks 1-3 "Error", at which point deletes tracks 1-3 (They were ripped from CD A) from disk and it proceeds to re-rip and transcode tracks 4 and 5 replacing the originals (timestamps are updated) and it rips tracks 6-10 correctly.

    I don't want the rip of CD B to delete tracks successfully ripped from CD A. (I think this is happening because of "Delete destination file on error", but I believe I need this to prevent it ripping insecure tracks.).

    I don't really want the rip of CD B to re-rip tracks that were already successfully ripped from CD A. (I would have thought the "Conditional encoding") would have prevented this.

    dbpoweramp seems to have lots of options, including the options I think I need, but I'm clearly not getting the results I was expecting. Can anyone help ?


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Rejecting tracks with errors, and re-ripping only missing tracks.

    If on the overwrite page you choose 'No to All' those existing filenames will be not ripped over


    • HankyPanky

      • Mar 2017
      • 6

      Re: Rejecting tracks with errors, and re-ripping only missing tracks.

      Thanks for the quick response. Its great the hear there is solution. But for the life of me, I can't find the options you're referring to. Please could you point me in the right direction.




      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Rejecting tracks with errors, and re-ripping only missing tracks.

        You rip disc A and it produces good tracks 1-4, 5-8 are with error so are deleted.

        You insert disc B, it is identical to disc A, you click Rip, as tracks 1-4 exist already, CD Ripper ask 'Overwrite' and lists the tracks 1-4, clicking 'No to All' will only rip tracks 5-8 from disc B


        • HankyPanky

          • Mar 2017
          • 6

          Re: Rejecting tracks with errors, and re-ripping only missing tracks.


          I've done some testing with a single lame encoder and yes I see what you're talking about now. However I'm using multi-encoder under batch ripper. So I don't get this option, it just cracks and overwrites regardless. Is there away around this ?




          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Rejecting tracks with errors, and re-ripping only missing tracks.

            Sorry no.

