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Asus 24B1ST drive briefly able to set max speeds

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  • ggunnell

    • Jan 2012
    • 8

    Asus 24B1ST drive briefly able to set max speeds

    I upgraded to an Asus 24B1ST drive and lost my ability to reduce the drive maximum speed in CD Ripper – Maximum speed was all that was available, and this is an x47 drive, too fast for some CDs. A couple days ago I upgraded to CD Ripper version 16.6 and lo and behold I could set several drive max speeds down to x8 and the drive responded beautifully! That lasted one day – now I am only offered Maximum speed again. Any things I should try before switching to another drive?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Asus 24B1ST drive briefly able to set max speeds

    Full shutdown and restart of Windows.


    • ggunnell

      • Jan 2012
      • 8

      Re: Asus 24B1ST drive briefly able to set max speeds

      Thanks! But had already done a couple reboots. Tried a re-install of 16.6 over the existing installation of 16.6, still only Maximum speed, may try an un-install followed by a re-install, have a highly rated Lite-On drive arriving tomorrow, will post back results.


      • ggunnell

        • Jan 2012
        • 8

        Re: Asus 24B1ST drive briefly able to set max speeds

        I solved the problem with a small utility program RimhillEx which I will post about, but before I found it I tried ImgBurn, Audiograbber, and ExactAudioCopy to see what speed controls they offered. Clearly the Asus drive is 'reporting' only its maximum speed if you 'poll' it or some file associated with it, but both Audiograbber and EactAudioCopy offer other speeds as well, AudioGrabber being the most informative, you can explicitly select either speeds reported by the drive or other speeds. The fact that other programs were successfully able to set drive speeds other than the maximum reported by the drive, and the fact that I was, admittedly only once immediately following a version upgrade, able to do the same with CDRipper, gives me hope this is something you could implement in the future.

