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How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

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  • Ar3101

    • May 2019
    • 13

    How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

    Hope someone can explain what this means * frames to re-rip, Passing verification etc:

    Track 3: Ripped LBA 124158 to 243758 (26:34) in 8:06. Filename: D:\Music-RockBluesJazz\Leonard Bernstein-Gershwin,Copland, barber\Gershwin; Rhapsody in Blue; Copland; Appalachian Spring; Samuel Barber; Adagio\03 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra - Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra._

    AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 69) Insecure [Pass 1 & 2, Re-Rip 1689 Frames]

    CRC32: 6AAC56EA AccurateRip CRC: B5CD5504 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 003-0006ce3c-0016f1b1-1c0cb203-3]

    ** Aborted: Have to ReRip 1689 Frames, Re-Rip Limit Set to 100 Frames

    Audio File Passed Verification
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

    A frame is a small section of the CD, you have set secure mode to abort if there are too many bad frames (as it would not do your cd drive any good). Try cleaning the disc, or rip it in another drive.


    • Ar3101

      • May 2019
      • 13

      Re: How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

      Q1. My Cd looks quite clean. I simply wiped it but I am getting this error on many of the CDs that I like (so may have played more times than others). These have not been opened for the last 2 do you recommend I clean these? I want to do whatever to salvage these CDs because these were quite expensive when I bought them.

      Q2. Now I received a more complicated message on a Cd that I tried ripping several times. Do not know what this means. Also tried listening to this Flac file. It sounds Ok to me. Did not notice anything bad (unlike the Bernstein Cd I posted above earlier where the ripped song was full of clicking sound).

      This is the message:
      Track 6: Ripped LBA 126613 to 170295 (9:42) in 5:08. Filename: D:\Music-RockBluesJazz\Thelonious Monk\Thelonious Monk With John Coltrane\06 Thelonious Monk & John Coltrane - Functional._
      AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 49) [Pass 1 & 2, Re-Rip 88 Frames]
      CRC32: 907C3891 AccurateRip CRC: 65C0889A (CRCv2) [DiscID: 006-0008d5e6-002ef22f-3c08de06-6]
      AccurateRip Verified Confidence 49 [CRCv2 65c0889a]
      AccurateRip Verified Confidence 38 [CRCv1 a88a57b0]
      AccurateRip Verified Confidence 21 [CRCv2 56b95b5], Using Pressing Offset +917
      AccurateRip Verified Confidence 11 [CRCv1 610cf499], Using Pressing Offset +917

      Are there any numbers here that I should consider as "acceptable" before trying too hard to re-rip.

      Thank you




      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

        That is not an error, it is AccurateRip verifying the rip, it is 100% correct.


        • Ar3101

          • May 2019
          • 13

          Re: How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

          For some reason, the red Cross which came up after the initial rip on this song remained as is. I re-ripped twice. Should I then ignore that mark and see the results on the report? Also what is the best way to "Clean Cds" to get rid of any of these errors?




          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

            Was there an error tab?


            • Ar3101

              • May 2019
              • 13

              Re: How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

              Originally posted by Spoon
              Was there an error tab?
              I did not make a note. Will look for it in the future.

              But is it possible that the rip shows X inaccurate (66) and X insecure but I do not hear any clicks when I play the recorded Flac file? The secure warning in this case was [Pass 1&2 re-Rip 8 Frames]. Does this mean that there could be 8 errors on the CD or in the recorded file?

              ...and thank you for all your help.

              Last edited by Ar3101; May 05, 2019, 03:35 AM.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: How bad would such a Rip be based on these errors?

                Install PerfectTUNES it will check all your files against accuraterip highlighting the ones with ripping errors.

