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Some CDs show the first track with a ridiculous length, and cannot be ripped

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  • The_J-Dub

    • Apr 2019
    • 1

    Some CDs show the first track with a ridiculous length, and cannot be ripped

    I've run into two examples of CDs that dBpoweramp shows the first track as over 300 minutes, and the rest are accurate. These CDs cannot be played or ripped; the first track is skipped completely, and the remaining tracks are processed quickly and inaccurately. On the same system, Windows Media Player shows the track information accurately, but also cannot play the disc. Anyone ever see anything like this before?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	dbpoweramp.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	29.1 KB
ID:	297368
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Some CDs show the first track with a ridiculous length, and cannot be ripped

    Set the ripping mode to 'Defective by design' that disc is copy protected, if the track listing is then correct it is down to the drive if it can read or not, many cannot.

