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Tag Values

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  • GVCCbob
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2019
    • 91

    Tag Values

    Reading the tutorial on Naming trying to understand the programming syntax for what is Tag Value?

    IFEQUALS]tag,equals,string[] - tests the given tag value against "equals". If they are equal, the string is included in the naming scheme
    [IF!EQUALS]tag,equals,string[] - tests the given tag value against "equals". If they are NOT equal, the string is included in the naming scheme

    Don't understand what tag value is and how it is used?

  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: Tag Values

    Originally posted by GVCCbob
    Reading the tutorial on Naming trying to understand the programming syntax for what is Tag Value?

    IFEQUALS]tag,equals,string[] - tests the given tag value against "equals". If they are equal, the string is included in the naming scheme
    [IF!EQUALS]tag,equals,string[] - tests the given tag value against "equals". If they are NOT equal, the string is included in the naming scheme

    Don't understand what tag value is and how it is used?

    Tag value is the content of a tag field. For example, in the following naming string, the "IFVALUE" function looks to see whether there is a non blank tag field for "album artist". If there is, it will use that value (i.e., the tag value is the contents of "album artist") to create a directory, if the "album artist" field is blank, it will instead create the directory using the tag value for "artist" tag value. This is just basically IF/THEN STATEMENT programming.

    [IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title]

