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Received an AR message but still Secure

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  • hummer76

    • Jan 2019
    • 6

    Received an AR message but still Secure

    What does it mean when you get an AR error, yet it still says 'Secure' with the green check mark?
    The answer was not in
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

    It means the CD drive thinks the rip is error free, however the CD drive cannot be relied upon always. AccurateRip can be is the confidence is 2 or more.


    • hummer76

      • Jan 2019
      • 6

      Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

      So are there any settings that I can change that might eliminate the error?


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

        It could be that it doesn't match the AR because your CD is from a different pressing, and that pressing is not yet in the AR database.


        • hummer76

          • Jan 2019
          • 6

          Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

          But it's only 2 of 19 tracks that have the error. The others would be erroneous too if the pressing were different, wouldn't they?


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

            Originally posted by hummer76
            But it's only 2 of 19 tracks that have the error. The others would be erroneous too if the pressing were different, wouldn't they?
            good point. With troublesome rips, I typically rip on a different drive to see if it works better. More often than not, a problem rip on one optical drive is just fine on another. (and these alternative drives can be cheap drives....price is not correlated with whether a specific drive will work better with some CDs. I use old drives pulled from computers they are trashing at work....)


            • hummer76

              • Jan 2019
              • 6

              Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

              Originally posted by garym
              good point. With troublesome rips, I typically rip on a different drive to see if it works better. More often than not, a problem rip on one optical drive is just fine on another. (and these alternative drives can be cheap drives....price is not correlated with whether a specific drive will work better with some CDs. I use old drives pulled from computers they are trashing at work....)
              But before I do that, is there any change to the settings that might work? If so, what should I change?
              Currently, I use essentially the recommended settings for non-C2 pointer drives.


              • garym
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Nov 2007
                • 5936

                Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

                Originally posted by hummer76
                But before I do that, is there any change to the settings that might work? If so, what should I change?
                Currently, I use essentially the recommended settings for non-C2 pointer drives.
                I can't think of any. I use the basic recommended settings for secure, non-C2 drives.


                • hummer76

                  • Jan 2019
                  • 6

                  Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  It means the CD drive thinks the rip is error free, however the CD drive cannot be relied upon always. AccurateRip can be is the confidence is 2 or more.
                  But if I don't actually hear any problem with these CD tracks containing the error, then the ripped audio files should be OK to use, shouldn't they? They won't cause a problem that I'm unaware of, will they?


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5936

                    Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

                    Originally posted by hummer76
                    But if I don't actually hear any problem with these CD tracks containing the error, then the ripped audio files should be OK to use, shouldn't they? They won't cause a problem that I'm unaware of, will they?
                    No, no problems. They will be fine. It happens sometimes. But the mismatch may be a frame or two (micro second) and not audible.


                    • hummer76

                      • Jan 2019
                      • 6

                      Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

                      Originally posted by garym
                      No, no problems. They will be fine. It happens sometimes. But the mismatch may be a frame or two (micro second) and not audible.
                      So this is all much ado about nothing? My ear is the final arbiter of the validity of the rip, isn't it?


                      • Dat Ei
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Feb 2014
                        • 1812

                        Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

                        Originally posted by hummer76
                        My ear is the final arbiter of the validity of the rip, isn't it?
                        Only in case of a rip, which isn't accurate.

                        Dat Ei


                        • Tigerman
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Mar 2005
                          • 157

                          Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

                          Originally posted by hummer76
                          So this is all much ado about nothing? My ear is the final arbiter of the validity of the rip, isn't it?
                          It is, but if you're in the process of ripping your entire CD collection. One might not be able to listen to all the rips to ensure the ripping errors are not audible. Therefore I used secure ripping.
                          When there are errors, a good clean of the CD can give a better result. Sometimes I even used Brasso to polish the CD (if it had scratches).


                          • Tigerman
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Mar 2005
                            • 157

                            Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

                            Originally posted by hummer76
                            So this is all much ado about nothing? My ear is the final arbiter of the validity of the rip, isn't it?
                            It is, but if you're in the process of ripping your entire CD collection. One might not be able to listen to all the rips to ensure the ripping errors are not audible. Therefore I used secure ripping. And AR database to ensure a good rip.
                            When there are errors, a good clean of the CD can give a better result. Sometimes I even used Brasso to polish the CD (if it had scratches).


                            • Talshiar

                              • Jul 2020
                              • 2

                              Re: Received an AR message but still Secure

                              I had previously used WMP to rip my CD's to wav (i got a new car stereo and wanted all my music without the hassle of physical disks).
                              to the credit of the person above, what i found was skips that WMP did not detect or otherwise report.
                              so i got DBPowerAmp and re-ripped everything, and a quarter my disks seemed to be corrupt in some fashion or another. DBPowerAmp let me know, so already its WAY better than WMP for ripping imho.

                              One thing stumped me though. one of my favorite disks couldn't rip the last song, i also got the "X AR (1) i Secure".
                              i wanted a flawless copy. so i bought the disk again. same error/same track on 2 different physical disks! why?
                              idk if we are allowed to put disk information in this forum, so certain information has been replaced with generic info.

                              Information ripping to Wave, 'Track 16' to 'E:\path\name.wav'
                              Track 16: Ripped LBA 322282 to 342557 (4:30) in 4:21. Filename: path\name.wav
                              AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 1) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1 & 2, Re-Rip 30 Frames]
                              CRC32: EBEC78E4 AccurateRip CRC: F9F9CC6F (CRCv2) [DiscID: xxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xx]

