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Is there a bug or server issue in CD Ripper today?

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  • ferrarabrainpan
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jul 2018
    • 60

    Is there a bug or server issue in CD Ripper today?

    Been ripping my CD collection every day with CD Ripper which I paid for and installed on my Windows 10 PC earlier this year. Got all the Accurate rip and ultra-secure rip and metadata ID settings, naming profiles saved, etc. It was chugging along fine until I ejected a CD after a successful secure and accurate rip and inserted another CD, and then it showed that the CD is in Accurate Rip but pulled up no cover art, nor showed any of the data fields info. The Rescan CD button was grayed out and so I was unable to open the Review metadata window. Tried several different discs with same result except if filled in the info from previously ripped discs but I could not open the Review window. Shut down the program in Task manager and relaunched it. Same problem. Shut down my PC and restarted it. Same problem in CD Ripper. Took a screenshot. Started typing this post and went back and looked at the CD Ripper window and now it's working! Great!

    I saw a couple other recent threads that suggested similar issues. So is there something to do with a server where the program grabs the data from the internet that caused this lag? It appears it is all working now, but since I started the discussion I figure I may as well post it so anyone else can report the same bug or issue.

    (Adding that my internet connection has been stable during these occurrences and I've been navigating web pages which load quickly, so it wasn't my own ISP causing the problems).

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______

    So now it is doing it again. It has been over two minutes and although it told me this time CD is not in Accurate Rip the RESCAN CD button is grayed out and I can't open the REVIEW METADATA window...

    And now when I look again it finished filling in the data and image fields...

    So what it amounts to is a serious time lag in looking up the metadata when reading the disc initially... which I guess means it is something with a server. Okay, end of my report...
    Last edited by ferrarabrainpan; November 09, 2018, 08:22 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Is there a bug or server issue in CD Ripper today?

    We were updating our SQL database, it should be working normally now.


    • ferrarabrainpan
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jul 2018
      • 60

      Re: Is there a bug or server issue in CD Ripper today?

      Thanks, Spoon, for your good work and assistance!

