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Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

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  • DICMikeG

    • Oct 2018
    • 4

    Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

    Hello - I've been using the latest version of the CD Ripper for a while now and, most-recently, I've noticed that I'm having difficulty ripping 40-50% of the tracks on many of the CDs I've been trying to copy to basic FLAC files (ripping directly to a large external NAS drive). I'm running Windows 10 on a Dell i5-powered notebook PC and using an external LG CD/DVD drive for this purpose. I've previously - using a different ripping package that's no longer supported (Winamp) - ripped hundreds of CDs without any major issues but, lately, this error-prone ripping has been the norm. I've tried different settings - changing the Lossless Encoding level up and down, changing to a different CODEC altogether (Apple), changing ripping methods from Secure to Burst to Defensive By Design, etc. and it continues to be a problem. I've cleaned the back of the CDs with anti-static cleaning cloth, used canned air to lightly blow out any dust that might be in/near the CD drive, etc., but nothing seems to improve the situation.
    I know that the CD drive works because I can listen to the tracks directly from the CD without any problems, so I'm not sure what else to do.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks for any help you'd be willing to offer.
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

    To help troubleshoot this, please post the exact error message(s).


    • DICMikeG

      • Oct 2018
      • 4

      Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

      Hello and thanks for your reply. I've attached two screen shots of what I see when I try and rip a CD. One is just the main screen showing ERROR as a result (this is the third time I tried to rip this particular CD, with some of the tracks encoding accurately, so I didn't try and re-encode those) and the other is showing the error-related text.
      Hope this gives you enough info to be able and help me get to the bottom of my problems here. BTW - this has happened with a greater frequency since I downloaded the last updates to the software package.
      Thanks again - Mike GClick image for larger version

Name:	cdrippersnips101118.jpg
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ID:	293966Click image for larger version

Name:	cdrippersnipv2s101118.jpg
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ID:	293967


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

        Take a CD that you previously ripped successfully and try ripping it again. Does that CD still rip, without errors?


        • DICMikeG

          • Oct 2018
          • 4

          Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

          Originally posted by mville
          Take a CD that you previously ripped successfully and try ripping it again. Does that CD still rip, without errors?
          Hello again - was away for a while, sorry for the delay in my reply.
          So, I tried to rip a previously-ripped CD and, this time, ran in to the same issues I've been having lately.
          I've attached a couple of screen grabs of the error screens - if these contain clues as to why I'm having problems lately (mostly, since the recent updates), please let me know what you suggest I do next.
          Thanks again for any help you'd be willing to give me
          Mike G
          Click image for larger version

Name:	mbluesreriperrors102618.jpg
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Size:	101.2 KB
ID:	293978Click image for larger version

Name:	mbluesrerip102618.jpg
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ID:	293979Click image for larger version

Name:	mbluesreriperrors102618.jpg
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ID:	293978Click image for larger version

Name:	mbluesreriperrorinfo102618.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	104.3 KB
ID:	293980
          Last edited by DICMikeG; October 31, 2018, 07:21 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44827

            Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

            The error means dBpoweramp is not able to write to your network share, try setting dBpoweramp to write to its local HDD on the computer then manually move the files after ripping.


            • DICMikeG

              • Oct 2018
              • 4

              Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

              Originally posted by Spoon
              The error means dBpoweramp is not able to write to your network share, try setting dBpoweramp to write to its local HDD on the computer then manually move the files after ripping.
              Thanks for your reply, but I don't think that that is a satisfactory answer, do you? The software worked fine before the recent update. It's like telling me that since my new car no longer makes right turns, I should now only take routes that require left turns...If the software has a glitch in it, shouldn't it be fixed? I bought the package because it was the best and easiest to use - if it's no longer easiest to use, shouldn't I get a refund and buy another package elsewhere?
              Is there a way to go back to the previous iteration of the software (i.e., the version that worked)?
              Let me know - thanks
              Mike G


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44827

                Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

                You can try:

                CD Ripper >> Options button >> CD Ripper Options

                'when ripping' set to 'rip direct to final filenames'


                • schmidj
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Nov 2013
                  • 526

                  Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

                  Be aware that Windows 10 has what I consider a serious bug, it often does not remap network shares when you reboot. This has nothing to do with dBpoweramp, it is a Windows issue, and it only appeared in full force after one of the Windows 10 updates.

                  Reboot Windows, then click on the Windows Explorer filefolder in the taskbar. Do you see the netwok mapped drive share there? (if not, the share isn't even saved any more and you'll have to redo it. Is it there but red. This is the typical situation now. This means that Windows has not mapped the share on reboot (despite you clicking the box when you mapped it) and no program can write or read to it. If it is red, click on it and see if it turns green and you now can see the contents in Explorer. Clicking on it reestablished the mapping. Now try running dBpoweramp and rip a CD and see if it rips error free. That confirms the Windows bug. If you google "Windows 10 drive mapping not saved", you can read all about this issue. There are ways to fix it with a batch file but the easiest way is to open explorer and click on the red share to turn it green before running dBpoweramp.

                  The reason Spoon told you to share locally and then move the files, is that this will automatically open the share when you move the files in Windows, which programs can't do.

                  There is nothing that a program can do programmatically to resolve this Windows issue. Going back to an older version of dBpoweramp won't solve it. One of the automatic fixes you can do is to write a (dos) batch program to connect the mapped directories after a delay (the real issue is that Windows is trying to do the mapping before it has connected to the network) and put it in the startup directory. That was my fix, and it works. Another solution is to ditch Windows 10 and go back to Windows 7, which doesn't have this annoying bug.

                  Also, if you search Google, you'll find several other issues involving connecting to shares/mapped drives in older NAS's that have been introduced in the latest (October 2018) update to W10. Don't you just love Microsoft...


                  • Jailhouse
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Sep 2016
                    • 388

                    Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

                    Originally posted by schmidj
                    Be aware that Windows 10 has what I consider a serious bug, it often does not remap network shares when you reboot.
                    In my case, Win10 never remaps my NAS network share. It just tells me it can't remount it.

                    My workaround is to open File Explorer and click on the mapped drive in the Quick Access panel on the left. The NAS is immediately re-mounted.


                    • mville
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Dec 2008
                      • 4023

                      Re: Newish Ripper user - Rip Status Error Messages on 50% or more of attempts?

                      Originally posted by DICMikeG
                      Thanks for your reply, but I don't think that that is a satisfactory answer, do you? The software worked fine before the recent update. It's like telling me that since my new car no longer makes right turns, I should now only take routes that require left turns...If the software has a glitch in it, shouldn't it be fixed?
                      You assume the issue is with the CD Ripper software. I agree with schmidj and that this is a windows issue, but it may also be an issue with your network.

                      In Windows File Explorer, check you have access to the network share, with the necessary write permissions.

