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Apple Lossless encoding error when filename contains both ? and Japanese

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  • cabel

    • Aug 2018
    • 9

    Apple Lossless encoding error when filename contains both ? and Japanese

    dBpoweramp masters,

    Another weird little issue where I'm sure I'm missing something.

    I've found that when ripping CDs with Japanese track names, if the track name contains a ? (question mark) character, the output file will encode with an error. (It seems to be when trying to add tags/artwork.)

    If I remove the question mark, the file encodes properly!

    If I rename the track to ENGLISH with a question mark, the file encodes properly!

    For example:

    1. Rip a track titled: Click image for larger version

Name:	Japan-Filename.png
Views:	1
Size:	7.6 KB
ID:	297318
    Result: the following error: Click image for larger version

Name:	Japan-Error.png
Views:	1
Size:	39.7 KB
ID:	297319

    2. Rename the track to Testing?
    Result: encodes properly!

    3. Rename the track back to Japanese but remove the question mark from the end
    Result: encodes properly!

    I thought I could fix this with Preferences > File Name Restricted Characters, where there actually is an entry for "?", but oddly, in no circumstance is the "?" replaced with "_" in my filenames. Separate issue/failure on my part? See screenshot: Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2018-08-25 22.09.02.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	67.7 KB
ID:	297317

    Details: I am using Multi Encoder (Apple Lossless and Apple AAC), and dBpoweramp 16.3 (1).

    Any thoughts are appreciated! Let me know if there's more information I can provide!


    PS: My trial is complete, and I'm a paying customer now! Thanks for making a useful app!

    PPS: It's easy enough for me to remove the "?" from my Japanese track names, it'll just slow down my ripping.
    Last edited by cabel; August 26, 2018, 05:33 AM.
  • PeterP
    Super Moderator
    • Jul 2011
    • 1474

    Re: Apple Lossless encoding error when filename contains both ? and Japanese

    Thanks for the bug report.

    Apple's filesystem puts strange restrictions on what's allowed in the filenames. I'll amend dBpoweramp code to handle this better.

    As for substitution rules being disregarded -
    There are two places in dBpoweramp application where these things are configured - regular Converter settings and CD Ripper settings.
    Currently, the multi encoder does not know which one it should be obeying, so it obeys the former. It can indeed be annoying. It will be addressed in a future update.


    • PeterP
      Super Moderator
      • Jul 2011
      • 1474

      Re: Apple Lossless encoding error when filename contains both ? and Japanese

      What kind of device are you ripping to? Local hard drive (what filesystem, HFS or APFS?) or a network share (what kind?), or other?


