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Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

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  • monsterjazzlick
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jul 2017
    • 1764

    Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)


    This is the display after correctly clicking FINISH:




    • garym
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2007
      • 5936

      Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

      Originally posted by monsterjazzlick

      This is the display after correctly clicking FINISH:

      That means no errors. Files are good. Problem is elsewhere in your playback chain.


      • monsterjazzlick
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Jul 2017
        • 1764

        Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

        Originally posted by garym
        That means no errors. Files are good. Problem is elsewhere in your playback chain.
        Thanks Garym,

        So that's got to be 'good news' in a lot of respects, would you not say? I was anxious that a years worth of meticulous ripping had just gone down the pan!

        I am going to load my FLACs onto the SanDisk SD-card for my new Sony Walkman and try the 'Miles On The Corner' CD on that device later tonight. The Walkman uses Sony's own player and not foobar. This may, or may not, prove anything ...

        Last edited by monsterjazzlick; August 08, 2018, 10:21 PM. Reason: spelling


        • vilsen
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Jul 2018
          • 194

          Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

          Originally posted by monsterjazzlick
          I will try to answer you as clearly as I can (without making it complicated!). On, for instance, Miles Davis's 'Miles On The Corner', I seem to get 1 or 2 jumps (call them what you will) per album play. So, each time I listen to the album there are 1 or 2 audible glitches. SOMETIMES it CAN be the same track and at the same point (as far as I can tell) - such as with tracks: 4 & 7 ('Vote For Miles' & 'Helen Butte') as per post No.3 above. But then at other times a new glitch can appear as a one-off.
          To me that sounds as you are having more random errors than anything else, and if so they are most probably NOT file errors. That's because audible file errors should be easily detectable by occuring at the same point of time. Just play the track over and over and listen if the errors repeat.

          Moreover, you did get an accurately ripped result for this album from PerfectTUNES. The chance/risk that your computer messed things up and gave you a false positive is basically zero. And I would be very surprised if PerfectTUNES cached any checksums, it would totally defeat the purpose. So you don't need to reinstall to have fresh results.

          On top of that your test conversion also confirmed that your files are ok.

          Did you play the album from the beginning without intervention, or did you skip/pause/forward/rewind during the playing session? That can sometimes cause buffering problems.


          • mville
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2008
            • 4023

            Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

            Originally posted by monsterjazzlick
            On, for instance, Miles Davis's 'Miles On The Corner', I seem to get 1 or 2 jumps (call them what you will) per album play. So, each time I listen to the album there are 1 or 2 audible glitches. SOMETIMES it CAN be the same track and at the same point (as far as I can tell) - such as with tracks: 4 & 7 ('Vote For Miles' & 'Helen Butte') as per post No.3 above. But then at other times a new glitch can appear as a one-off.
            So far we only know that the flacs are NOT corrupted. The next step would be to determine that they playback OK. As mentioned earlier, try playing the flacs on the work-PC from a local drive, using foobar2000.

            1. What is selected in foobar2000 >> Preferences >> Playback >> Output >> Device?
            2. Do the flacs playback OK?
            3. Finally, have you run LatencyMon on your work-PC, to check that your Windows environment is suitable for playing audio, without any potential issues? It is possible that you have other processes running, that affect the system on playback?


            • monsterjazzlick
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Jul 2017
              • 1764

              Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

              Originally posted by vilsen
              To me that sounds as you are having more random errors than anything else, and if so they are most probably NOT file errors. That's because audible file errors should be easily detectable by occuring at the same point of time. Just play the track over and over and listen if the errors repeat.

              Moreover, you did get an accurately ripped result for this album from PerfectTUNES. The chance/risk that your computer messed things up and gave you a false positive is basically zero. And I would be very surprised if PerfectTUNES cached any checksums, it would totally defeat the purpose. So you don't need to reinstall to have fresh results.

              On top of that your test conversion also confirmed that your files are ok.

              Did you play the album from the beginning without intervention, or did you skip/pause/forward/rewind during the playing session? That can sometimes cause buffering problems.
              Hi Vilsen,

              I listened to the suspect 'Miles On The Corner' FLAC last night, but this time on my new Sony Walkman, and using a brand new SanDisk SD-card. Obviously the Walkman does not use foobar (though I am not saying foobar is the cause of the issue). It's a 50 mins CD so I only got to play it once, but I will listen again tonight. In any event, it played fine and without a single glitch.

              I ran 2 PerfTunes scans earlier this week. One one my C-drive and the other on my (mains powered) Western Digital external-HD. Both scans scanned everything (ie not just the 'Miles On The Corner' album on it's own). Each drive (I have 2 other Seagate external-HDs) has circa 30 albums with 'errors'. But in answer to your your question, NO, the 'Miles On The Corner' album does not appear in this list. Interestingly/coincidentally, the COMPLETE 'Miles On The Corner' boxset album - which I bought as a d/l version on Qubuz - DOES appear!; though I have not tested (ie. listened to) this FLAC out yet (and the tracks are different out-takes/versions anyway).

              Something you mentioned which may have merit is that I very often (on my Amazon Fire and PC - both using foobar) LOOP a single track, or a complete album. That's just the way I listen!; I mean, I can listen to the same tracks or album for up to 6 weeks.

              Much appreciated,

              Last edited by monsterjazzlick; August 09, 2018, 09:23 PM. Reason: spelling


              • monsterjazzlick
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Jul 2017
                • 1764

                Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                Originally posted by mville
                3. Finally, have you run LatencyMon on your work-PC, to check that your Windows environment is suitable for playing audio, without any potential issues? It is possible that you have other processes running, that affect the system on playback?
                Hi mville,

                I have d/l and tested with Latency Monitor; thanks for the LINK.

                Please see screenshots:

                According to the analysis, my PC is OK in this respect.

                I am assuming that I can not test out my Amazon Fire with this particular s/w?

                Last edited by monsterjazzlick; August 09, 2018, 09:52 PM. Reason: spelling


                • monsterjazzlick
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Jul 2017
                  • 1764

                  Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                  Originally posted by mville
                  1. What is selected in foobar2000 >> Preferences >> Playback >> Output >> Device?
                  Thanks for your directions. Please see screenshot:

                  It looks a little more convoluted to navigate to this setting on the Amazon Fire.
                  Last edited by monsterjazzlick; August 09, 2018, 09:58 PM. Reason: Link


                  • monsterjazzlick
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Jul 2017
                    • 1764

                    Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                    Originally posted by mville
                    So far we only know that the flacs are NOT corrupted. The next step would be to determine that they playback OK. As mentioned earlier, try playing the flacs on the work-PC from a local drive, using foobar2000.

                    2. Do the flacs playback OK?
                    By this do you mean: PLAY using the FLAC library saved on my C-drive, please?

                    Just to clarify mville, I only have my work/college PC laptop in my possession now. You may, or may not, remember I purchased a new Hewlett Packard laptop to use for my next academic year, come this September. But alas, it had to be returned/refunded (6 weeks ago) as there was a hardware fault with the power-supply and graphics-card; hence I am down to just 1 PC now. This was why I made the request for a member, from here, to cross-reference the suspect Miles Davis album on their own PC; just to rule out any potential gremlins; but, as you are aware, I have since removed the LINK.
                    Last edited by monsterjazzlick; August 09, 2018, 10:07 PM. Reason: spelling


                    • monsterjazzlick
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Jul 2017
                      • 1764

                      Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                      Originally posted by mville
                      1. What is selected in foobar2000 >> Preferences >> Playback >> Output >> Device?
                      Regarding this setting, I have opened the drop-down menu and you can see (albeit not selected as the 'device') is my Steinberg 'CI2+' external soundcard (which has inputs for me to record a guitar/synthesizer etc into Cubase, and the outputs are permanently connected to my external mains-powered Yamaha reference-speakers).

                      Please see screenshot:
                      Last edited by monsterjazzlick; August 09, 2018, 10:19 PM. Reason: Link


                      • monsterjazzlick
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Jul 2017
                        • 1764

                        Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                        Originally posted by mville
                        1. What is selected in foobar2000 >> Preferences >> Playback >> Output >> Device?
                        I am afraid I just can not seem to find/access the above on my Amazon Fire. I have looked for about 20 mins, but to no avail.

                        There is a page full of 'Advanced' settings. These include: 'Use Open-SL audio output', and 'Use read-ahead for playing local files'. These are both set to OFF. All of the other available settings within 'Advanced' do not look at all as if they would be related to the matter in discussion.


                        • mville
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Dec 2008
                          • 4023

                          Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                          Originally posted by monsterjazzlick
                          I listened to the suspect 'Miles On The Corner' FLAC last night, but this time on my new Sony Walkman, and using a brand new SanDisk SD-card. Obviously the Walkman does not use foobar (though I am not saying foobar is the cause of the issue). It's a 50 mins CD so I only got to play it once, but I will listen again tonight. In any event, it played fine and without a single glitch.
                          So, you have finally determined and proven that the flacs are fine, due to the fact that you were able to play the flac album without any glitches. There is no need for anyone else to check whether the flacs have issues.

                          IMO, any playback issues that you have will be down to other hardware/software and/or network issues. If the glitches are rare, you could just ignore them or you would need to investigate/troubleshoot which processes are impacting on your work-PC or Amazon Fire set-ups.
                          Last edited by mville; August 09, 2018, 11:48 PM.


                          • mville
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Dec 2008
                            • 4023

                            Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                            Originally posted by monsterjazzlick
                            By this do you mean: PLAY using the FLAC library saved on my C-drive, please?
                            Yes. If the work-PC plays flac albums from the C: drive without issues, but as stated earlier, you have issues playing from the external-HD, then this implies you have a problem with the external-HD.


                            • mville
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Dec 2008
                              • 4023

                              Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                              Originally posted by monsterjazzlick
                              I am afraid I just can not seem to find/access the above on my Amazon Fire. I have looked for about 20 mins, but to no avail.
                              I have no experience of the Amazon Fire, so I cannot comment on it's suitability as a DAP.


                              • vilsen
                                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                                • Jul 2018
                                • 194

                                Re: Strange Goings On! (PerfTunes/Foobar/Ripped FLACs)

                                Originally posted by monsterjazzlick
                                Something you mentioned which may have merit is that I very often (on my Amazon Fire and PC - both using foobar) LOOP a single track, or a complete album.
                                Normally that is not a problem.

                                What I meant with buffering problems is that if you skip/pause/forward/rewind it could potentionally cause glitches on systems that are not up to the task. The player could lose track of the time position, and glitches or skips or even freezing could be the result. This could be about underpowered computers/players, but is more often software related or perhaps slow storage.

                                But I don't say that you have buffering problems, I just wanted to know how you had listened to the album. Now that you have listened to it again without interruption and without any problems, you know that the album can be be played perfectly on one of your systems.

                                For what it's worth, when I listen to music on my computer I sometimes hear small glitches in my accurately ripped files. Playing the same files on my media player I don't hear the errors - because there aren't any. But I have just accepted that on the computer you hear small glitches now and then, and I have not bothered to track down the cause. But you might have bigger glitches than mine, annoying you more.

