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How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

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  • GQ72

    • Jun 2018
    • 11

    How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

    did a quick forum search to find how long it normally takes to rip a disk once the rip button initialized and did not find anything useful

    first of all, this is my first attempt using dBpoweramp with the reference trial before deciding on purchasing program to see how it works.
    I have 10+ years experience using WMP(vistaOS) to rip disks at MP3 320 bitrate but recently forced to upgrade to Win10 OS and am looking to redo my library archive to FLAC (since storage is quite a bit less then when first started this) … I do not know too much about FLAC (still researching) but I have heard it is the best quality and easy to convert to other formats if so desired.

    My first rip using the trial version is Styx Gold Come Sail Away-Anthology circa 2oo4
    I have the [FLAC encoder settings] set to Lossless Encoding--Uncompressed so the file size for disk 1 is 741Mb
    --is this the setting I should use for best results?

    When I initialized the rip project it proceeded to take over 6 minutes to complete
    --is this time a good estimate for a 73 minute disk? … I was used to it taking less than 3 minutes to create MP3 320 in the WMP(vista)

    Any expert advice if or what I need to do to get better time as I have much to re-rip
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

    A secure ripper can take longer, sometimes it reads the disc twice to check.

    If you rip to FLAC compressed (it is still lossless) the space taken up will be half.


    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

      Originally posted by GQ72
      My first rip using the trial version is Styx Gold Come Sail Away-Anthology circa 2oo4
      I have the [FLAC encoder settings] set to Lossless Encoding--Uncompressed so the file size for disk 1 is 741Mb
      --is this the setting I should use for best results?
      Flac compression level has no bearing on audio quality. If you are unsure, why not rip to the default/recommended Level 5.

      FYI, I rip to Level 8 (highest).

      Originally posted by GQ72
      When I initialized the rip project it proceeded to take over 6 minutes to complete
      --is this time a good estimate for a 73 minute disk? &*8230; I was used to it taking less than 3 minutes to create MP3 320 in the WMP(vista)
      You cannot compare CD Ripper with WMP. WMP does not use AccurateRip and does not report ripping errors, just 2 reasons why not to use WMP. 6 minutes to rip a CD is fine.


      • Jailhouse
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Sep 2016
        • 388

        Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

        FLAC files are lossless, regardless of compression level. Ripping to uncompressed FLAC just wastes storage space.

        I use FLAC Level 6 compression and one-hour CDs generally rip in about 3 minutes.


        • schmidj
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2013
          • 526

          Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

          Hi, If the CD is in the accuraterip database, and is in good condition, it will rip in one pass per track, even when set up for secure ripping (which is probably why you are using dBpowermp to start with). On a full size drive, I find 3 to 4 minutes typical. Most popular music and some more obscure stuff is in the database. Most of the entries in the database come from other users of dBpoweramp (and possibly still a couple of other rippers? ) who have successfully ripped the same CD.

          If the CD is not in the database (common for many of my Caribbean cds) it will rip it multiple times, how many depends on how you set up the secure ripping configuration. In my case I have the two full speed rips and at least one "ultra secure" (the first one is slow) rip. Typically 15 or so minutes per CD. If you have more than one CD drive, you can run multiple instances of dBpoweramp, and rip more than one CD at the same time.

          The various lossless codecs all produce, as the name implies, bit identical copies of the original file, no matter how much compression (as in FLAC) is used. The compression is mathematical like in zip files, basically zip optimized for typical music files. Playback or conversion to another lossless format or burning back to a cd will give you a bit identical copy of the original if it ripped without error.

          The advantage of dBpoweramp is that it will almost always tell you if the rip is bad, and can sometimes, through rerips, attempt to recover the corrupt part of the rip. WMP and I believe Itunes never warn you you have a bad rip.

          If you are using a PC, FLAC is a good choice, as it is pretty well supported and has good metadata support. Apple has its similar format, I think ALAC. I use the default FLAC compression, I seem to recall 5 or 6. More compression takes slightly more time (milliseconds?) to compress and saves a little more disc space. Less compression just wastes disc space. The resultant audio is identical, and identical to the original.

          For all practical purposes the ripping time is the same independent of what format you rip to, the time is taken in the actual rip (and possibly in the time to copy the ripped audio to its final disc destination), the encoding that happens after the rip is generally much faster.


          • GQ72

            • Jun 2018
            • 11

            Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

            Thanks to everyone for their input ... will review in-depth and respond if needed.
            Over the past week I have attempted 33 rips at the 'Uncompressed' setting ... looks like I should do those over if there is absolutely no difference other than the file sizes ... a 75minute disk is 760Mb uncompressed and 499Mb at both level 5 and 8
            all 33 ripped within the 3 minute window except for 3 I did today:

            America Complete Greatest Hits circa 2oo1 ~ 11+ minutes
            Doobie Brothers Greatest Hits circa 2oo1 ~ 11+ minutes
            Edwin McCain Far From Over ~ 8+ minutes

            All 3 came up with accurate rip status but the total time to rip these was awfully long ... over half an hour!
            Perhaps somebody has these particular CDs and had similar issue or not so I can get it figured out.
            I cannot say these ripped faster (3min. or less) on the old Vista machine as these were recently purchased after the motherboard short-circuited on that PC

            One noticeable change with dBpowerAMP that I like is the folder icons created ... the Win10 WMP was creating these nasty looking folders with LARGE white borders around the icons, so large it was hard to make out the cover at a glance!
            Not sure what exactly is going to happen when I need to change the album art to hi-res quality if those icons will be destroyed or not? cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5936

              Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

              all depends on (1) whether the CD is in AccurateRip database, (2) condition of the CD, (3) condition/mechanics of the drive, and the interaction of (2) and (3), that is depending on CD itself and the drive, it may take less or more time. I have some CDs that wouldn't rip without error even if ripping for an hour that would rip perfectly in 3 minutes on another drive.

              Your range of typically 3 or 4 minutes versus 11+ is very normal. I have some CDs that take 45 minutes to rip. Most are 3 to 4 minutes though.


              • GQ72

                • Jun 2018
                • 11

                Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

                thanks, garym
                I have 2 optical drives (a year old) from same manufacturer/model but both behave VERY differently at times. i.e., one will not rip a 75min in 3 minutes, it takes 11 ... but the other drive will do same CD in 3 minute window. All I can do is get a replacement drive and see if it helps with that one.
                Just curious if you had used dBpoweramp ripper with Windows Vista ten or so years ago? ... I don't ever recall having this issue UNLESS the disc was indeed defective i.e., being a used disc heavily scratched

                I am not a PC guru but I honestly have a very intense suspicion that during the change windows did from vista to 7 to now 10 something went very AWRY in the creation of audio files but I am not able to confirm these suspicions.

                I have found that MOST but not ALL CDs from WB and their affiliates from the late '90s and early 2000s do not want to rip at 3minute window on the Win10 ... (and I have no clue as to why...)

                I just ripped a brand new Decemberist's CD from 2011 yesterday that took 7 minutes at a 5x speed ... the CD is only 40minutes long!! it should've taken less than 2 minutes (i am so baffled...)


                • garym
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Nov 2007
                  • 5936

                  Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

                  Originally posted by GQ72
                  thanks, garym
                  I have 2 optical drives (a year old) from same manufacturer/model but both behave VERY differently at times. i.e., one will not rip a 75min in 3 minutes, it takes 11 ... but the other drive will do same CD in 3 minute window. All I can do is get a replacement drive and see if it helps with that one.
                  Just curious if you had used dBpoweramp ripper with Windows Vista ten or so years ago? ... I don't ever recall having this issue UNLESS the disc was indeed defective i.e., being a used disc heavily scratched

                  I am not a PC guru but I honestly have a very intense suspicion that during the change windows did from vista to 7 to now 10 something went very AWRY in the creation of audio files but I am not able to confirm these suspicions.

                  I have found that MOST but not ALL CDs from WB and their affiliates from the late '90s and early 2000s do not want to rip at 3minute window on the Win10 ... (and I have no clue as to why...)

                  I just ripped a brand new Decemberist's CD from 2011 yesterday that took 7 minutes at a 5x speed ... the CD is only 40minutes long!! it should've taken less than 2 minutes (i am so baffled...)
                  There are so many variables that it is hard to determine what might cause a particular CD to be slower in ripping. I've never used windows vista. I went from WinXP to Win7 to Win8.1 to Win10. I've had the same kind of diverse time to rip that you report on all those systems so Win10 does not seem to be at fault. And the timing seems to be unrelated to whether the CD is brand new, really old with scratches, etc. Some of my CDs rip at 4x speed sometimes at much much higher.

                  Best approach is to have multiple drives, get AccurateRip results when done (whether 2 minutes or 45 minutes) and get the job eventually done. Trying to track down the mystery of differing rip times will just give you a headache.


                  • Oggy
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2015
                    • 697

                    Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

                    Originally posted by GQ72
                    thanks, garym
                    I have 2 optical drives (a year old) from same manufacturer/model but both behave VERY differently at times. i.e., one will not rip a 75min in 3 minutes, it takes 11 ... but the other drive will do same CD in 3 minute window. All I can do is get a replacement drive and see if it helps with that one.

                    I have found that MOST but not ALL CDs from WB and their affiliates from the late '90s and early 2000s do not want to rip at 3minute window on the Win10 ... (and I have no clue as to why... baffled...)
                    Hi GQ72,

                    I don't know if your two drives have different firmware, which may explain the disparity in time, or possibly one has a dirty lens.

                    Some CDs from the Millennium era throw up the multi-thousand frames needing re-ripping, on the internal HP drive on a laptop running on Windows 7, but these rip without issue, but at varying speeds on full size internal drives, used via a USB to powered PATA / SATA adaptor.

                    Ripping speed can vary from X4 to high 40s.

                    I found a disc whose 4 VOBs will rip to a different percentage on different DVD-Writers, so have been testing a number of drives out recently to give an indication of their ripping potential. The drives that rip this one disc the best are also, generally, the more powerful and consistent I find - though more testing with

                    This thread shows some results from different drives, which you may find of interest.

                    Good luck!
                    Last edited by Oggy; June 14, 2018, 08:33 PM.


                    • GQ72

                      • Jun 2018
                      • 11

                      Re: How Long to rip FLAC uncompressed

                      Originally posted by garym
                      Best approach is to have multiple drives, get AccurateRip results when done (whether 2 minutes or 45 minutes) and get the job eventually done. Trying to track down the mystery of differing rip times will just give you a headache.
                      if only it was just a headache! I think this issue has caused me intense digestive gut problems over the past couple of years trying to figure it all out

                      during the Win98--WinXP era I only had notebookPCs and did not do much digitizing of my CD collection until I got a Vista desktop with ample (at that time) internal storage space. I vaguely recall that XP did not allow embedded album art thumbnails into the folder views (just a standard music note thumbnail showed) but in Vista you could add your own images and thumbnails would show inside the folder or just the standard music note if no image was added through the metadata tagging)
                      .. years later my sister got a Win7 machine so I tried WMP on there to see what had changed and now the album art thumbnails magically appeared in the folder?!? (amongst other changes) but they were not hi-res quality NOR could I embed my own within the WMP as I had in Vista through the tagging menu for years ... that nice option completely disappeared in Win7 to now Win10 and I have no clue why or where the images come from. As I admit before I am not a PC Guru or know how much of this stuff works together ... all I know is that it does not seem as consistent in ripping CDs as I was used to for long time,
                      Last edited by GQ72; June 19, 2018, 03:56 PM.

