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CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

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  • klaatu

    • Feb 2003
    • 22

    CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

    All of the metadata sources are grayed out for me in CD Ripper (v 16.4), which I just installed on my new PC. I gather from what I’ve read elsewhere that the likely reason is my security software (Windows Defender Firewall) is blocking program access to the web. I created new inbound & outbound firewall rules to allow CDGrab.exe access, but it was no help. Are there additional .exe files I need to whitelist to be able to get metadata?

    Oddly, the ripper was able to identify the CD I used to calibrate AccurateRip, and its Freedb entries were displayed then, but I’m unable to manually get metadata from any source.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

    You must not have the registered version installed, you need Reference installed to access all the providers, the free version of dBpoweramp, or the Power Pack version will just allow access to Freedb.


    • Sotosound

      • Jun 2021
      • 4

      Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

      Originally posted by Spoon
      You must not have the registered version installed, you need Reference installed to access all the providers, the free version of dBpoweramp, or the Power Pack version will just allow access to Freedb.

      I'm having the same issue myself on 21st June 2021.

      I have the registered version installed (Order Number <edit>), and I experienced the issue both before and after upgrading from V17.2 to V17.3 today.

      This means that I have just had to edit all of the metadata for "The Best Of Neil Sedaka" prior to ripping because both DBPoweramp and my Bluesound Vault 2 resolved it as "Great Big Fun" by Tom Chapin.

      It's now ripped with the correct artist and track titles as a result of my work, but the album cover remains incorrect.

      How can I explicitly activate the review of metadata from individual providers?

      Many thanks.
      Last edited by Spoon; June 21, 2021, 03:57 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

        Click the red label looking icon on the toolbar.


        • Sotosound

          • Jun 2021
          • 4

          Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

          Originally posted by Sotosound

          I'm having the same issue myself on 21st June 2021.

          I have the registered version installed (Order Number <edit>), and I experienced the issue both before and after upgrading from V17.2 to V17.3 today.

          This means that I have just had to edit all of the metadata for "The Best Of Neil Sedaka" prior to ripping because both DBPoweramp and my Bluesound Vault 2 resolved it as "Great Big Fun" by Tom Chapin.

          It's now ripped with the correct artist and track titles as a result of my work, but the album cover remains incorrect.

          How can I explicitly activate the review of metadata from individual providers?

          Many thanks.
          PS I can access the providers individually using "Retrieve Metadata From", but the "Review PerfectMeta Matches" screen has Discogs, GD3, Music Brainz, and freedb greyed out.


          • Sotosound

            • Jun 2021
            • 4

            Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

            Many thanks, Spoon. Missed your reply, but as per above, the providers are all greyed out.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

              Under the green options button >> active providers >>

              ensure the top 5 are selected. Then press the blue refresh button


              • Sotosound

                • Jun 2021
                • 4

                Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

                Originally posted by Spoon
                Under the green options button >> active providers >>

                ensure the top 5 are selected. Then press the blue refresh button
                I'll try that.

                Many thanks.


                • SCAndrews

                  • May 2021
                  • 1

                  Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

                  How do I know if my version is "registered"? I paid for the thing so I assume it's registered, but can't find a way to confirm this.
                  Is there a way?


                  • Dat Ei
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Feb 2014
                    • 1812

                    Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

                    Start dBpoweramp Control Center ("Configure dBpoweramp"). In the upper left corner is the hint.

                    Dat Ei


                    • AudioDOctor

                      • Jun 2021
                      • 6

                      Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

                      I don't know if I am having the same problem, or a different problem but...

                      I can access the metadata providers it just take a very long time... up to a half hour to finish retrieving the metadata.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers


                        R2025 includes many updates to the ever changing metadata landscape, in the recent years: All Media Guide (AMG) service has been discontinued has also been discontinued musicbrainz updated their servers, resulting in R16 or older not being able to read the metadata AccurateRip Meta has been introduced R2025


                        • AudioDOctor

                          • Jun 2021
                          • 6

                          Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

                          I can't reply there so I will do it here. I am using 17.4


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

                            Check the date and time on the computer is accurate. If still no go, try to restart the computer in safemode with networking and see if metadata comes in quickly:



                            • AudioDOctor

                              • Jun 2021
                              • 6

                              Re: CD Ripper can't access metadata providers

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              Check the date and time on the computer is accurate. If still no go, try to restart the computer in safemode with networking and see if metadata comes in quickly:


                              I am on a Mac... I have restarted the computer.

