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How easy is it to go from R14.4 to R15.3? How similar are they? What about R16?

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  • Max Dread
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Dec 2013
    • 297

    How easy is it to go from R14.4 to R15.3? How similar are they? What about R16?

    Hi all

    I've been a long time user of R14.4 on WinXP, but my XP drive has just died and forced me to do the inevitable... Move to Win7! Win10 was a step too far It's about time I guess.

    Anyhow, this leap into the modern era has also got me thinking about upgrading my DBPA. The trouble is, I really struggle with change and it stresses me out. It took a lot of time and effort (and excellent help through this forum I might add) to get R14.4 set up to exactly what I needed. Once there, I went through every setting in CD Ripper and Converter and wrote them all down so that I could replicate it exactly should a time like this arrive.

    So my question is: how easy is the transition from R14.4 to R15.3? Are there are a lot of differences or is it just minor tweaks and changes? Will I be able to use all of my "strings" (if that's the right term) and all of the other settings I've noted (utilities, DPSs, custom genres, configurations, etc etc) in R15.3, and are they easily transferable?

    I also want to ask the same questions for a potential move from R14.4 to R16. I know there were major changes in R16 and it will be a much steeper learn curve. I'm just not sure how steep?! And I'm not sure how transferable my R14.4 settings are, or if it would be more a case of back to the drawing board.

    Any thoughts would be most appreciated before I decide what's best.

    Cheers as ever
    Last edited by Max Dread; February 08, 2018, 11:22 PM.
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: How easy is it to go from R14.4 to R15.3? How similar are they? What about R16?

    I recall it being very easy. I&*8217;m on 1
    ver 16 newest now. All my old stuff still worked (naming strings). Be sure and copy your naming strings into a word file for pasting back in if need be. You might do a screen shot of your old settings. I&*8217;m not sure what you mean by setting custom genres.


    • Max Dread
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Dec 2013
      • 297

      Re: How easy is it to go from R14.4 to R15.3? How similar are they? What about R16?

      Hi Gary

      Thanks for that. Very encouraging to hear I must say I remember reading that R16 had a major facelift. I wasn't sure if all the changes were pretty much at the "front end" (GUI, etc) or whether a lot of the behind the scenes stuff had changed too. If it is just the former, then I think I might just be able to cope! And if I am upgrading from 14.4 it seems to make sense to make a full jump forward (to 16) rather than a half way step (to 15).

      Are there significant improvements from 14/15 -> 16? I guess that's personal and subjective to a large extent, but I thought I would put the question out there anyway. Moving to the latest FLAC version seems a wise move to start with (so long as I am not in the 0.00001% with an incompatible CPU; an Intel Q6600 for the record).

      Genres list... In XP, at: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\dBpoweramp there was a text file called genres. Because I have my own genre system, I copied and pasted my genre list into that text file, which meant that when ripping all of my custom genres were available from the drop down list.

      Many thanks for the help



      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: How easy is it to go from R14.4 to R15.3? How similar are they? What about R16?

        dBpoweramp Music Converter (dMC): Version Changes


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: How easy is it to go from R14.4 to R15.3? How similar are they? What about R16?

          I would go to newest 16.x. Most of the changes are under the hood. You can copy your genre list back in once installed.


          • Max Dread
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Dec 2013
            • 297

            Re: How easy is it to go from R14.4 to R15.3? How similar are they? What about R16?


            Just wanted to say thanks for the help. I'm 3 days into a trial of R16.4 and all seems pretty good. Thanks for the encouragement

            There are some things I am uncertain of, but they are probably better placed in a new thread...



            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5936

              Re: How easy is it to go from R14.4 to R15.3? How similar are they? What about R16?

              Originally posted by Max Dread

              Just wanted to say thanks for the help. I'm 3 days into a trial of R16.4 and all seems pretty good. Thanks for the encouragement

              There are some things I am uncertain of, but they are probably better placed in a new thread...


