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Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

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  • Imola ghost

    • Oct 2017
    • 8

    Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

    Can you post all of your settings that will do this?

    I&*8217;ve got the I&*8217;d tagging down I just want to make sure that I rip once and be done.

    I&*8217;ve ripped a few using different settings and they sound fine I just want someone&*8217;s absolute must have settings to get the desired results.

    This is using the latest dbpoweramp reference on a iMac.
  • Imola ghost

    • Oct 2017
    • 8

    Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

    Not sure why the original post is showing up like that. It should read...

    Can you post all of your settings that will do this?

    I've got the ID tagging down I just want to make sure that I rip once and be done. I'm more interested in the settings for bit rates and what not.

    I've ripped a few using different settings and they sound fine I just want someone to post absolute must have settings to get the desired results.

    Also, the ones I just ripped played fine within iTunes and everywhere I wanted to stream them to like Plex on my Xbox One but they would not play within Sonos. It said it the song is NOT encoded correctly.

    This is using the latest dbpoweramp reference on a iMac.


    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

      Originally posted by Imola ghost
      I've got the ID tagging down I just want to make sure that I rip once and be done. I'm more interested in the settings for bit rates and what not.
      There is no setting for bit rates for Apple Lossless, at least not in my Windows version of CDRipper, unless I am missing something.

      Regarding what not, can you be more precise?


      • Imola ghost

        • Oct 2017
        • 8

        Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

        Originally posted by mville
        There is no setting for bit rates for Apple Lossless, at least not in my Windows version of CDRipper, unless I am missing something.

        Regarding what not, can you be more precise?

        In the setup configuration of dbpoweramp for .m4a files under CODECS there is a setting for "OUTPUT (AAC). The selections are 16bit, 24bit, 32bit.


        • mville
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Dec 2008
          • 4023

          Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

          Originally posted by Imola ghost
          In the setup configuration of dbpoweramp for .m4a files under CODECS there is a setting for "OUTPUT (AAC). The selections are 16bit, 24bit, 32bit.
          Apple Lossless is ALAC not AAC.


          • Imola ghost

            • Oct 2017
            • 8

            Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

            Originally posted by mville
            Apple Lossless is ALAC not AAC.
            I have it set to Apple Lossless and the filenames ends with .m4a


            • mville
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Dec 2008
              • 4023

              Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

              Originally posted by Imola ghost
              I have it set to Apple Lossless and the filenames ends with .m4a
              Yes, but the setting you mention, refers to aac not alac and is therefore not relevant to you.


              • Imola ghost

                • Oct 2017
                • 8

                Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

                Originally posted by mville
                Yes, but the setting you mention, refers to aac not alac and is therefore not relevant to you.
                When select ADD DSP, you can change the bit depth


                • mville
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4023

                  Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

                  Originally posted by Imola ghost
                  When select ADD DSP, you can change the bit depth
                  Yes, you can add many DSPs, including bit depth. Is there a particular reason why you want to change the bit depth?


                  • Imola ghost

                    • Oct 2017
                    • 8

                    Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

                    Originally posted by mville
                    Yes, you can add many DSPs, including bit depth. Is there a particular reason why you want to change the bit depth?

                    No, so I shouldn’t even ADD the bit depth to the DSP?


                    • Dat Ei
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Feb 2014
                      • 1812

                      Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

                      Yes, you shouldn't add it. Rip the data like they are pressed on the CD. More bits are of no use, as they are artifically added and not within the original source. Less bits mean that you will lose information.

                      Dat Ei


                      • Imola ghost

                        • Oct 2017
                        • 8

                        Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

                        Originally posted by Dat Ei
                        Yes, you shouldn't add it. Rip the data like they are pressed on the CD. More bits are of no use, as they are artifically added and not within the original source. Less bits mean that you will lose information.

                        Dat Ei
                        Got it. I read a article about creating perfect Lossless files from ripped cd's. It mentioned the BIT DEPTH and REPLAY GAIN. Although it didn't get into why they added it but these are the two DSP's I had questions about.

                        So to summarize with creating perfect Apple Lossless files. Other than changing the metadata the way I want I "SHOULD NOT" add any DSP's or ANYTHING to the ripping process, correct?


                        • Dat Ei
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Feb 2014
                          • 1812

                          Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

                          "Replay Gain" isn't that problematic as it does not touch your audio data but adds tags to your files only, which a capable player can use. This dsp is non-destructive.

                          But stay away from "Replay Gain (Apply)" - this dsp recalculates your audio data and is a destructive dsp.

                          Dat Ei


                          • mville
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Dec 2008
                            • 4023

                            Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

                            Originally posted by Imola ghost
                            Got it. I read a article about creating perfect Lossless files from ripped cd's. It mentioned the BIT DEPTH and REPLAY GAIN. Although it didn't get into why they added it but these are the two DSP's I had questions about.

                            So to summarize with creating perfect Apple Lossless files. Other than changing the metadata the way I want I "SHOULD NOT" add any DSP's or ANYTHING to the ripping process, correct?
                            No harm in adding the ReplayGain DSP and is something I do when ripping my CDs to flac.

                            As Dat Ei mentions, the ReplayGain and not the ReplayGain (Apply) DSP, will only add ReplayGain tags to your files. Any player software that supports ReplayGain, can then read the tags.


                            • Imola ghost

                              • Oct 2017
                              • 8

                              Re: Wanting to create perfect Apple Lossless rips of my cd collection.

                              I think I got it now guys/gals!

                              Thank you very much.

