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can I add tracks to an album?

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  • embra55

    • Aug 2017
    • 1

    can I add tracks to an album?

    I've been merrily ripping cd's without any problems, until now. The problem is, that when the cd, which has 15 tracks, is looked up, only 12 tracks are returned, and none of those match the cd. I can manually add the first 12 tracks, but the last 3 are left as one large file. I've looked through the forums and don't seem to be able to find a way to manually add extra tracks.
    Is it it possible to do this, if so, then I'd be delighted to know how. I hope I've made myself clear, and all help in this is appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
    Regards, embr55
  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1812

    Re: can I add tracks to an album?

    If CDRipper shows only 13 tracks (12 wrongly named+ 1 unnamed) , then your cd has only 13 tracks, but the databases don't know your cd. In that case you have to type in the meta data for the album. It is very likely the the last track contains the three last tracks of the album, but those ain't mastered as separat tracks. Compare the track lengthes on the cover and those in the main windowvof CDRipper.

    Dat Ei

