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CD Ripper Not Getting Artwork

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  • mrcd
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Feb 2012
    • 238

    CD Ripper Not Getting Artwork

    I am using Win Vista (going a newer version very soon) but just recently discovered in the last few weeks that I was not able to get artwork via CD Ripper. Also the ripped tracks CD Ripper produces in a Windows folder cannot find artwork when all tracks are clicked on and choosing properties --> ID Tag --> and choose from internet.

    I disabled my web filter to see if it was the problem and whether it's enabled or disabled it's recording of CD Rippers attempt to get artwork shows as "Unconfirmed item http://invalid.url:0"

    So what is the command or url CD uses or how does it go to the web to get artwork. Better yet is there a way that CD Ripper logs it's successes and failures of it's programming?

    Not sure but I am open to any solution if anyone else has had this issue.
    Last edited by mrcd; July 19, 2017, 04:11 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: CD Ripper Not Getting Artwork

    You would have to uninstall all filters to isolate them if they are the reason for the failure.

    CD Ripper uses multiple URLS, none are fixed (a lookup will get the art url).


    • mrcd
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Feb 2012
      • 238

      Re: CD Ripper Not Getting Artwork

      Have disabled all filters and antivirus and still no artwork. It's quite possible a Win Update broke something. At this juncture this feature is totally useless to this user and now resorting to Google Images for his artwork.

