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Need help regarding ripping audio cds

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  • Mr Right

    • Jul 2017
    • 1

    Need help regarding ripping audio cds

    I need help regarding ripping audio cds.
    Ripping single disk releases is no problem but I do have an issue with double disc/box releases.
    When ripping 2disc releases is there a easy way of naming the tracks 101,102,103 and so on for disc1 and 201,202 for disc2?
    The reason for asking is that this is the only way that my mp3 player will play the tracks in correct order when all audio files is in the same folder.(I dont want separate folders for each discs)
    I can manually naming all tracks 101,201 and so on after ripping process is done but it takes a lots of time and I was hoping this could be done automatic while ripping my discs?
    Is this possible with dBpoweramp?
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Need help regarding ripping audio cds

    Firstly, please can you post your current naming string.

    Secondly, in your naming string, add [disc] before [track] and make sure disc is populated correctly before ripping.

    So, if you were using the default naming string:
    [IFVALUE]albumartist,[album artist],[IFCOMP]VariousArtists[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[track] [artist] - [title]

    you would then have:
    [IFVALUE]albumartist,[album artist],[IFCOMP]VariousArtists[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[disc][track] [artist] - [title]

