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Album mis-tagging when ; in tag (sometimes)

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  • quattro

    • Apr 2017
    • 6

    Album mis-tagging when ; in tag (sometimes)

    I've set-up my Albums to have "Composer; Album" so they sort by composer first on my various devices--at least that was the plan.

    Mostly this has worked fine. But for perhaps 10% of my albums it's just using the text after the semi-colon and ignore what's before ie. the composer. Digging further I see that dbpoweramp seems to have substituted {CR} for ; in those cases, but when you look at the tag in Edit-ID, it still looks like a ; . But in eg. Windows Properties the one that sorts right has the ; and the one that doesn't shows the Composer on the first line and the Album name on the second.

    For example I have a set of Beethoven Symphonies. The first CD ripped has the aforementioned problem but later ones don't. In Edit-ID, as far as I can see, the Album tags are identical.

    I've put 4 images below:
    - Windows Properties view of problem case (split on to 2 lines)
    - Edit-ID view of same (which shows ; )
    - Windows Properties view of OK case (the 5th Symphony example) with ; intact
    - Edit-ID view of same

    I just can't see what's different and how to fix it. Help please!
    Attached Files
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Album mis-tagging when ; in tag (sometimes)

    What happens if you use colon instead of semi-colon i.e. Composer: Album, as dBpoweramp uses semi-colon as the separator in multi-value tags?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44845

      Re: Album mis-tagging when ; in tag (sometimes)

      Fixed here:

      Changes Batch Converter added new right click on file(s) >> Show in Explorer or Edit ID Tags mp3 tag reading optimization Apple Lossless encoder no longer requires WaveformatExtensible 1:1 channel mappings Album Sort is no longer split as a multi item tag if has '; ' in the name m4a Show Work Movement is set to 1


      • quattro

        • Apr 2017
        • 6

        Re: Album mis-tagging when ; in tag (sometimes)

        In reply to mville...

        I think that will work in this regard, but I used a ; because I have some code to sort the music as I rip into folders by composer and then strip off the composer for the filename. : cause filesystem issues though this is not insurmountable. However I've now ripped my whole collection with a ; so keen to avoid a change if possible. Thanks for the suggestion.


        • quattro

          • Apr 2017
          • 6

          Re: Album mis-tagging when ; in tag (sometimes)

          Originally posted by Spoon
          Great...and when is this expected to be out of beta? Also, when I have this, to fix the ones where there's a problem do I just go edit, not change anything and save and it will correct or do I have to do something more? Thanks.


          • quattro

            • Apr 2017
            • 6

            Re: Album mis-tagging when ; in tag (sometimes)

            Thanks, Spoon. Looks great...When is the beta expected to be final? Also, for albums that have gone wrong will I just have to go into EditID and resave or have to do some different editing first? (Sorry if a reposting; thought I'd posted a reply but seems to have been lost).


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44845

              Re: Album mis-tagging when ; in tag (sometimes)

              I am not sure when the beta will release, perhaps 8 weeks.

              You would have to edit the existing tag to something else, click ok, then edit it back.

