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error ripping to FLAC

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  • soundbart

    • May 2017
    • 6

    error ripping to FLAC

    I ripped a cd to flac. output
    All but one songs were ripped to flac.
    One song gave errors and could not be ripped
    I was using the secure ripping mode
    I thought something was wrong with one ore more sectors on the cd but when I changed the output from FLAC to WAV, the same song was ripped succesfully. Afterwards I converted from WAV to FLAC and all went well

    Do you have some idea why it managed to convert to wav, but not to flac?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: error ripping to FLAC

    I would have to see the exact error messages when ripping to comment.


    • soundbart

      • May 2017
      • 6

      Re: error ripping to FLAC

      here is a part of tthe log file

      dBpoweramp Digital Audio Extraction Log from 2017-05:05 19:20:04
      dBpoweramp version: Release 16
      OS version: Version 10.12.4 (Build 16E195)

      Drive & Settings

      Ripping with drive 'disk3 [HL-DT-ST - DVDRW GX40N]', Drive offset: 6, Overread Lead-in/out: No
      AccurateRip: Active, Using C2: No, Cache: 1024 KB, FUA Cache Invalidate: No
      Pass 1 Drive Speed: Max, Pass 2 Drive Speed: Max
      Bad Sector Re-rip:: Drive Speed: Max, Maximum Re-reads: 34

      Encoder: FLAC -compression-level-5
      DSP Effects / Actions: -dspeffect1="ReplayGain= -r128lufs={qt}-23{qt}"

      Track 3: Ripped LBA 30532 to 51435 (4:38) in 0:48. Filename: /Users/bartherbots/Desktop/flac/Various Artists/PIAS Volume 1; Classic Tunes/03 Cabaret Voltaire - Nag Nag Nag._
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 1) Insecure [Pass 1 & 2, Re-Rip 135 Frames]
      CRC32: F1E64DC8 AccurateRip CRC: 94A3D672 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 015-001f395d-01610489-af0d190f-3]
      ** Aborted: Have to ReRip 135 Frames, Re-Rip Limit Set to 100 Frames

      A second attempt
      Track 3: Ripped LBA 30532 to 51435 (4:38) in 0:59. Filename: /Users/bartherbots/Desktop/flac/Various Artists/PIAS Volume 1; Classic Tunes/03 Cabaret Voltaire - Nag Nag Nag._
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 1) Insecure [Pass 1 & 2, Re-Rip 743 Frames]
      CRC32: DF9A8233 AccurateRip CRC: F4D9D054 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 015-001f395d-01610489-af0d190f-3]
      ** Aborted: Have to ReRip 743 Frames, Re-Rip Limit Set to 100 Frames

      After changing output to WAV

      Encoder: Wave
      DSP Effects / Actions: -dspeffect1="ReplayGain= -r128lufs={qt}-23{qt}"

      Extraction Log

      Track 3: Ripped LBA 30532 to 51435 (4:38) in 0:38. Filename: /Users/bartherbots/Desktop/flac/Various Artists/PIAS Volume 1; Classic Tunes/03 Cabaret Voltaire - Nag Nag Nag._
      AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 1) [Pass 1]
      CRC32: 51E40AB2 AccurateRip CRC: AEAB4ECB (CRCv2) [DiscID: 015-001f395d-01610489-af0d190f-3]
      AccurateRip Verified Confidence 1 [CRCv2 aeab4ecb]
      AccurateRip Verified Confidence 1 [CRCv1 d56ab16a]


      1 Tracks Ripped Accurately


      • Dat Ei
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2014
        • 1812

        Re: error ripping to FLAC

        There are reading errors. It has been by chance, that you could rip to wave without errors.

        Dat Ei


        • soundbart

          • May 2017
          • 6

          Re: error ripping to FLAC

          does that mean that a portion of the cd is bad or does it mean I have a problem with the CD Drive?


          • Dat Ei
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2014
            • 1812

            Re: error ripping to FLAC

            From my point of view both is possible, but I would tend to say that it is more likely that the pressing of the CD is problematic. Sometimes a re-rip or a different drive helps in those cases.

            Dat Ei

