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Artwork is not automatically retrieved for me why

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  • alex1977

    • Feb 2017
    • 33

    Artwork is not automatically retrieved for me why

    Documentation says CD ripper automatically retrieves artwork - it doesn't do that for me - i looked at the free vs paid version specs and no where does it say that this feature is only available on paid, therefore, i must assume something is wrong.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Artwork is not automatically retrieved for me why




    • alex1977

      • Feb 2017
      • 33

      Re: Artwork is not automatically retrieved for me why

      thank you for your help. I've read that response before, which is not very direct and was unclear for me - because, it says "High Resolution Art" when you use REFERENCE - but to me that would mean that you are getting 'better image quality' if you get the REFERENCE versus the free one, which because documentation says you 'art work is automatically retrieved' one would assume you get that in the free version - i would suggest what would be helpful for others - is to not just send people to the free vs Reference page, as it's not really 100% clear, and simply say exactly that - "the free version doesn't offer art work, in order to get art you need the reference or paid version' - that will help alot of people. I say this as i have a company that develops softward for past 17 years, for the public, so i have found that being very clear in documentation will reduce questions. - thank you for your help. I will buy the reference, i hope that does indeed fix the issue. as i'm still not clear if that page gave me the answer.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Artwork is not automatically retrieved for me why

        The free version does not have album art.

