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How To Rip A Copy Protected CD With DBPoweramp!

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  • Krister

    • Sep 2012
    • 32

    How To Rip A Copy Protected CD With DBPoweramp!

    Hello guys,

    Recently I bought a new CD with Bette Midler that is called Thighs And Whispers but the problem is that I can't rip the CD to my external harddrive so I assuming this CD is copy protected even if it is an old CD from 1979 but maybe it is newly pressed since it does not work to rip. I hope so much that someone can help me now again since I really wanna rip this CD.


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How To Rip A Copy Protected CD With DBPoweramp!

    What happens when you try to rip? if you select 'Burst' ripping mode, what happens?


    • linkman
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Dec 2015
      • 51

      Re: How To Rip A Copy Protected CD With DBPoweramp!

      If it is copy protected then you may have stumbled upon a new type of copy protection or this CD is not on a list of previously available ones with protection. The two types of protection for CD's that I know of are Sony XCP and MediaMax CD-3.

      Your problem is probably something other than copy protection.


      • Oggy
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2015
        • 697

        Re: How To Rip A Copy Protected CD With DBPoweramp!

        Originally posted by Krister
        Hello guys,

        Recently I bought a new CD with Bette Midler that is called Thighs And Whispers but the problem is that I can't rip the CD to my external harddrive so I assuming this CD is copy protected even if it is an old CD from 1979 but maybe it is newly pressed since it does not work to rip. I hope so much that someone can help me now again since I really wanna rip this CD.


        Hi Krister,

        Have you had any joy ripping the Bette Midler CD? To the best of my knowledge, that CD has not been re-mastered since1995, so certainly would not have copy protection - this started around 2001/2002. The advice to try "Burst mode" or try another drive, are your best chance, if after cleaning, you still have problems.

        For copy protected CDs, it is well worth reading the thread on DRM and Copy protection. The easiest way to rip them, is to use a drive that copes with copy protection, and treats them as a standard CD.

        Out of interest, I re-ripped (or tried to) a Warner's CD from 2002 on the laptop's in built drive, which I know doesn't cope with copy protected discs. On track 1, got 15,970 frames needing re-ripping - I didn't attempt this! I then put the same CD in my old Lite-on drive, and got an AccurateRip, first pass on all tracks, both with C2 pointers off, and C2 pointers on.

        There are plenty of CD drives that cope with copy protection, and some that don't. My friends have had good results with Lite-on drives - I'm sure others could name other drives that work.

        How big a problem copy protection is, really depends on where the CDs were manufactured, and the era. Europe had far more copy protected discs (Phillips didn't class a Copy controlled disc as a proper CD) than the USA, and these were from around 2001 (Madonna GhV2) - 2002, with other attempts later. Two popular CDs of the time, Dido's, Life For Rent, and the self-titled, The Darkness CDs, were re-pressed without copy protection, after the fall out of customers genuine CDs being unplayable on some players.

        The ridiculous part of this, was that with the right software, people who hadn't bought an original CD, but borrowed one, copied it, removing the copy protection, could play (and rip) their copy!
        Last edited by Oggy; February 01, 2017, 07:36 PM.


        • Sonicmixmaster

          • Sep 2024
          • 1

          I recently visited a local thrift store and browsed the media section and noticed a CD that my friend would like so called him and he said get it. Ok, so of course I will add it to my collection of ripped discs and noticed a weird thing. The CD has absolutely no scratches on it but during ripping each track shows up as insecure. I tried all the methods in dht dbpoweramp ripper but the only one that created audio that was not glitchy and playable was burst copy. The tracks still showed as insecure but had no audible defects. After ripping I looked at the CD case and noticed it had a weird logo I have never seen. Shown below is the entire copy protection section from the back of the CD. This is a Polish band CD so both languages are used. To my brief research very few production companies used this protection and EMI and Virgin are the ones I seen the most mentioned.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	2024-09-27 10.02.59 crop.jpg Views:	0 Size:	82.1 KB ID:	328124
          Another weird thing is that I don't see any logos anywhere on the printed inserts mentioning Compact Disc Digital Audio because of the copy protection this CD does not meet Red Book standards. What I am getting at here is this. How is this CD in the AccurateRip database? I think the copy in the database is from a non copy protected version but the CD ID must be the same. Every track I ripped shows as insecure. The CD is completely undamaged. The ripped mp3s sound perfect. I had to use the burst rip setting during ripping as the secure one took overnight to rip and then all I had was error on each track shown in dbpoweramp ripper. One thing I also tried was 3 different drives and all of them were external USB portable drives. 2 of them created 11 tracks which is what the CD actually has, 1 created 12 tracks and the last track was 29+ minutes long and had the first several tracks all together in the 29+ minute segment. So basically I would like to know why the AccurateRip database has a single entry for this CD but obviously multiple versions exist and I believe the one in the AccurateRip database is not copy protected otherwise it should not be insecure as the CRC would match assuming the CD in the database is not physically undamaged. I thought that each version of a released album has its own CD ID. Also, I have a feeling that whoever originally purchased this CD may have been experiencing problems playing so it ended up in this store. I don't know.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Sonicmixmaster; September 27, 2024, 05:02 PM.

