In March or April of last year, I began experiencing a problem when ripping CDs with dBpa to iTunes. The files that were being directed to the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder were not then being sent to their respective libraries' "Music" folder & were not displaying in the libraries. Instead, they were accumulating in the auto add folder & had to be manually moved to the library & deleted from the folder. Eventually, I solved the problem by installing an earlier version of iTunes. Well, a problem with that function is occurring again. Only this time the music files per se are not being added to the auto add folder. Instead, a subfolder named "Not Added" is created & under it are date & time named subfolders that contain files I don't recognize. There is one for each song title & it has a dog-eared blank page in front of it. Today, hoping that it would correct the problem, I uninstalled the earlier iTunes version I was using & installed the current version. But this had no effect. An odd thing is that I noticed the problem last week around the time I purchased the dBpa update. I realize that this is a correlation, not cause & effect. In any case, has anyone experienced the same or a similar malfunction recently? & were they able to correct it? Thanks in advance.
Bill S
Bill S