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Correct Cache Size Setting

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  • Gail

    • Dec 2016
    • 6

    Correct Cache Size Setting

    I just installed R16.2 Beta 3 and am trying to set up secure ripping. I followed Spoon's Secure Ripping Guide and believe I have it setup correctly except for one question, the correct read cache size.

    I have a HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NP21 drive. The CD Ripping Options tab shows the drive has a 2MB buffer, which agrees with its spec sheet. However, when I select Detect Drive Read Cache under CD Ripper Options>Secure Settings it returns that the drive has no cache. I've tested with three different CDs and all returned "no cache".

    Is the 2MB Buffer different than the read cache?

    Which value should I use for the read cache: none, 2MB, or 1MB (the default cache)?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Correct Cache Size Setting

    The default value should be used for most people, there is no harm leaving at 2MB if the drive does not cache, but setting to 0 and the drive does cache is bad news for secure ripping.

