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CDRipper & AccurateRip Questions

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  • VipeNess

    • Nov 2016
    • 2

    CDRipper & AccurateRip Questions

    Brand new to this application and have a few questions related to it. BTW *****highly considering a purchase*****

    I'm using the 21 day trial and noticed that I can not change the Naming conventions (bottom left corner hear CD Drive and Path)...
    • Can I change this in full version?

    I'm choosing to rip all my tracks to FLAC (Uncompressed).
    • Do I need to check the "Verify Written Audio" also? I'm looking to capture at the highest possible quality.

    In the Rip Status of the program, it can say "Accurate (**)" after ripping one of my CD's.
    • Sometimes I'm as high as 54 and sometimes low as 6. What does this number mean?
    • Sometimes it's red and says "Inaccurate 8". What does this mean?

    When ripping a CD, I have to rip twice because the first time I rip my cd, it shows the CRC number is gray. If I rip the CD right after again (manually), it will then show the CRC number green.
    • What does this mean?
    • CRC shows red, what does that mean? I've noticed that if I rip that track again or a few times, I can normally get the CRC to turn GREEN.

    Thank you very much and really look forward from hearing from you.
    Last edited by VipeNess; November 08, 2016, 11:09 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44842

    Re: CDRipper & AccurateRip Questions

    >I'm using the 21 day trial and noticed that I can not change the Naming conventions

    What happens when you click 'set' next to naming?

    I do not think you need the verify option.

    For accuraterip result information see part way down the page here:

    Grey means it is the first time the number is generated, green means the 2nd rip matched the first, red is a miss-match.

