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Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

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  • Thg6276
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2008
    • 179

    Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip


    Impossible to send the results to the database AccurateRip

    Submitting: 1088 Discs 14394 Tracks

    Compressing Drive Offsets...Ok
    Compressing AccurateRip Results...Ok
    Compressing Disc TOCs File...Ok
    Compressing FingerPrint File...Ok
    Compressing Index...Ok
    Connecting to AccurateRip server...
    Requesting version information...
    Clearing socket
    Submitting results...
    Error connecting to accuaraterip, please check your settings.

    I have desactived Avast and I have no Proxy and/or VPN.
    No issue
    Thanks for your help
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

    Do you have a firewall? or anti-phishing software?


    • Thg6276
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Aug 2008
      • 179

      Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

      Hi Spoon,



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

        There is little to debug in the software, as it is one line to connect to Asset, it either works or does not, if it does not then either AccurateRip server is down (which it is not), or something is blocking the connection.


        • 655321

          • Jan 2016
          • 12

          Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

          Originally posted by Spoon
          There is little to debug in the software, as it is one line to connect to Asset, it either works or does not, if it does not then either AccurateRip server is down (which it is not), or something is blocking the connection.
          I had the same issue 3 times already. I think it's connected to the amount of tracks that are being submitted. When I first installed CD-Ripper on a freshly set up PC and did not rip a lot in the first month (200 CDs or less) submitting worked perfectly. The next month (without having changed ANYTHING concerning antivir/firewall etc.) the same error that "Thg6276" encountered got displayed. Since I reinstall windows on my PC a lot (sometimes 3 times a year) I noticed that submitting only works for me if I had not ripped many CDs. I tried everything (turning down my entire antivir/firewall for submitting) with no effect whatsoever. That stupid error message cost AccurateRip the data of >10.000 CDs from me alone already but it obviously cannot be helped.

          My guess would be a size limit on the side of AccurateRip concerning the submitted data. A time-out seems unlikely since I have ~20MBit/s upload.
          Shame that the results go to waste.

          I started an equally unsuccessful post on this topic 10 months ago.
          I need to reinstall my windows (can log in only in safe mode) and wanted to submit my Results of CD-Ripper to AccurateRip. We are talking about 3913 ripped Discs resulting in 45874 ripped Tracks. When I click Submit Now it uploads for a while and then gets the error: "Compressing Drive Offsets...Ok Compressing


          • mana

            • Mar 2017
            • 5

            Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

            Hi Spoon, same problem here, with firewall off. I noticed I have 132 discs / 1193 tracks to be submitted


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

              Which Windows version?


              • mana

                • Mar 2017
                • 5

                Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

                Win 10 Pro 64 bits Version 1607


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

                  Something will be blocking it. Anti malware, anti phishing, etc.


                  • dh373

                    • Dec 2018
                    • 4

                    Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    Something will be blocking it. Anti malware, anti phishing, etc.
                    Sorry, but it is definitely the submission size.

                    Compressing Drive Offsets...Ok
                    Compressing AccurateRip Results...Ok
                    Compressing Drive Offset Log...Ok
                    Compressing Disc TOCs File...Ok
                    Compressing FingerPrint File...Ok
                    Compressing Index...Ok
                    Connecting to AccurateRip server...
                    Requesting version information...
                    Clearing socket
                    Submitting results... [two minute pause]
                    Error connecting to accuaraterip, please check your settings.

                    That is dBpoweramp, after a two minute pause, trying to submit 2096 discs and 23924 tracks, on a gigabit connection (verified 946 megabits upload speed). I downloaded EAC, ripped one CD and submitted it to AccurateRip using EAC's built-in "submit" tool. Results:

                    Compressing Drive Offsets...Ok
                    Compressing AccurateRip Results...Ok
                    Compressing Drive Offset Log...Ok
                    Compressing Disc TOCs File...Ok
                    Compressing Index...Ok
                    Connecting to AccurateRip server...
                    Requesting version information...
                    Clearing socket
                    Submitting results...
                    AccurateRip submission sucessful!

                    Finished Submission.

                    One CD was more or less instantaneous. Same PC, minutes apart.

                    Conclusion: has a problem with large submissions. This is not a network error, anti malware, or anything client side.


                    • dh373

                      • Dec 2018
                      • 4

                      Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

                      I'm going to take a wild guess and say it is an Apache config setting on the server. Apache lets you set a maximum upload size, and the default on a lot of installations is 2 megabytes. I'm not sure what file is being uploaded, but my FingerPrints.bin file in the AppData/AccurateRip folder is 14 MB. So my guess is that the web server software is interrupting the upload before the any of the site programming gets a chance to start processing it. When the client software doesn't get the expected response, it claims a network error.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

                        Ok you can try now, we have upped the limit imposed by the server.


                        • dh373

                          • Dec 2018
                          • 4

                          Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          Ok you can try now, we have upped the limit imposed by the server.
                          So I went to do an upload, and the dialog now says "No results to submit". I'm hoping that is because the data went up automatically in the background. And if that is what happened, I'm guessing that you will get a whole bunch of really big submissions in the next few days. It would be nice if you confirm that. I'm not sure how easy it is to peek on the back end.


                          • dh373

                            • Dec 2018
                            • 4

                            Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

                            I ripped ten more CDs, watched the FingerPrints.bin file grow, went through the submit process, and watched the file disappear from the AppData folder. So that would seem to be the expected behavior: the FingerPrints.bin file grows, and is deleted after successful upload.

                            My situation probably mirrors several other heavy users. Within a couple of weeks buying the program I had ripped over 500 discs from my collection. By the time the first 30-day interval elapsed my FingerPrints.bin file was probably then too large to upload (because of the server restriction). From there it just kept growing for the next two years. And it would seem the program tried to upload it on every start, finally succeeding today. Hence my guess that you'll get a bunch of large files in the coming days as people like me finally get through. I wonder how large the biggest file out there is?


                            • Oggy
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Apr 2015
                              • 697

                              Re: Impossible to submit the results to AccurateRip

                              Originally posted by dh373
                              I ripped ten more CDs, watched the FingerPrints.bin file grow, went through the submit process, and watched the file disappear from the AppData folder. So that would seem to be the expected behavior: the FingerPrints.bin file grows, and is deleted after successful upload.

                              My situation probably mirrors several other heavy users. Within a couple of weeks buying the program I had ripped over 500 discs from my collection. By the time the first 30-day interval elapsed my FingerPrints.bin file was probably then too large to upload (because of the server restriction). From there it just kept growing for the next two years. And it would seem the program tried to upload it on every start, finally succeeding today. Hence my guess that you'll get a bunch of large files in the coming days as people like me finally get through. I wonder how large the biggest file out there is?
                              Think you have made a great diagnosis.

                              I was in the same position as you, the submission kept failing, just tried it and two odd years worth came back with submission successful and the count reset.

                              As you say, a lot of files could be entering the AccurateRip database, which is a fantastic result.

