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Latest version huge step back in productivity. VERY disappointed

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  • FastAndFluid

    • Oct 2014
    • 7

    Latest version huge step back in productivity. VERY disappointed

    I recently repaved my laptop which meant a new install of CD Ripper and I can't believe how much worse the new software is compared to the previous version. I rip my CDs to both FLAC and MP3 and store my own scans of covers (since many aren't avalable from the usual sources, being DJ subscription issues). Here are just a few of the huge drops in productivity I've noticed in a couple of hours of use

    1. The softrware no longer remembers the previously used folder for each type of action. Previously when I went to load a cover it remembered where the last folder was for the images, when I ripped to MP3 it remembered the last folder used for MP3 rips. When I ripped to FLAC it remembered the last used FLAC folder. Now the last used folder applies to ALL operations so I'm continually having to go hunting up and down library trees whenever I switch to "Load file" or a different rip format. This is a huge step backwards in terms of productivity.

    2. The software no longer remembers the previous rip titles and artist names. So I've manually entered all the details and rip to FLAC. Then the PC comes out of hibernate having been left overnight and is sat there with completely blank details. I have to manually enter them all over again to get the MP3 rip.

    3. The tabbing order of fields has changed and is a constant nightmare. You enter the Title of the track and hit Tab to go to the Artist field and it just sits there pinging at you endlessly. You have to hit ENTER instead of tab to tab across to the artist field in the inline editing form. But if you accidentally hit the more natural Tab key first then the Enter key won't work.

    4. Changing images is harder than it used to be. There used to be simple plus and minus buttons. Now there's just three dots and if you want to replace an auto-downloaded image it's a real faff deleting it ready to load up your own image.

    Thankfully Pioneer have just added ripping to their Rekordbox software which gives me a way out of using CD Ripper, but I have to ask why the developers insist on changing things that were working perfectly "just for the sake of change" and in the process have taken away functionality and made it a lot less usable.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Latest version huge step back in productivity. VERY disappointed

    1. Just tried, loaded CD Ripper >> ... >> Load Art from file >> chose a folder and art. Then quit CD Ripper, tried the same action and it remembered the last folder.
    CD Ripper has never preserved folder based on encoder format (Music Converter does, cd ripper never).

    2. Try insert CD, change the details, then quit CD ripper, reload it and see if shows the changes you made

    3. Use the Arrow keys, down to move to next title, right arrow to artist, this is a standard Windows control, we do nothing special for it, it is like excel

    Generally speaking, even if we changed the color of something from grey to white, there will be those who like, and those who not like. The UI of R15 was dated, it went back all the way to Windows 95 and an update was past due.

