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merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

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  • daleyb
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2014
    • 235

    Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

    Originally posted by garym
    the name you're getting in the mp3tag string is for the FILE NAME. What you're seeing in Squeezebox is from the file metadata tags. These are two different things. But clarify what you're looking at in squeezebox menu. in the webGUI for LMS? on the TOUCH screen? or ???? There are options within LMS as to what to show in LMS/Squeezebox. Maybe something you've set there. But again, don't confuse file names with metadata.
    Ah..So Its the Server/squeeze thats worked out Correct Numbering Artist/ track.The Thing is (and dont really want to go off on a tangent about LMS/sq.Box On this site..) But Iam unsure whats Right/Wrong in Layout On my SBT...or is just Personal on how you Order things. Even in DBPA with Different Naming Strings You have a choice on How things look /Ordered. Heres a few examples what Iam seeing/getting....

    From Menu > Artist/Album/ New music all follow this:
    Click image for larger version

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    Please note This is Exactly what things look like on SBT. GUI. track title top, Artist then Album Name last (Sorry to use same titles in Example !)
    Iam more than happy with the above..But..

    From the Same Menu If I go to "My Folders" I get:Click image for larger version

Name:	CropperCapture[51].jpg
Views:	1
Size:	43.3 KB
ID:	293167
    Of Course I can now tweak this (via MP3TAG), So numbers/ tracks flow normal not alphabetically.Sorry this is not shown...but sure you get the idea..i.e: Soul-Male 70s>Artist-album(s)>Artist-Album tracks= play.

    The Question is In "My Folders"
    Do I Use : number - Artist Name- Track title........Or Put Track Title First (or without Artist Name).?

    The Thing is, I personally would not Put in my Folder section : Artist Name Only then have another folder with his/her albums together(But thats just me.)I prefer different headers i.e...Jazz-Male >Mile Davis-Kind of Blue,Miles Davis-Tutu...In Different Folders for each album(of Course) But all under "Jazz-Male"

    Theres Light at the end of the ripping / Streamer Tunnel now...just need to work out how I want the end result.

    Perhaps you can Send Some Piccy's garym to see how you Organise Naming your naming/Folders...this might help to see where Iam going Right (and wrong)
    Last edited by daleyb; July 25, 2016, 06:48 PM.


    • garym
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2007
      • 5936

      Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

      Originally posted by daleyb
      Ah..So Its the Server/squeeze thats worked out Correct Numbering Artist/ track.The Thing is (and dont really want to go off on a tangent about LMS/sq.Box On this site..) But Iam unsure whats Right/Wrong in Layout On my SBT...or is just Personal on how you Order things. Even in DBPA with Different Naming Strings You have a choice on How things look /Ordered. Heres a few examples what Iam seeing/getting....

      From Menu > Artist/Album/ New music all follow this:

      Iam more than happy with the above..But..

      From the Same Menu If I go to "My Folders" I get:
      Of Course I can now tweak this (via MP3TAG), So numbers/ tracks flow normal not alphabetically.Sorry this is not shown...but sure you get the idea..i.e: Soul-Male 70s>Artist-album(s)>Artist-Album tracks= play.

      The Question is In "My Folders"
      Do I Use : number - Artist Name- Track title........Or Put Track Title First (or without Artist Name).?

      The Thing is, I personally would not Put in my Folder section : Artist Name Only then have another folder with his/her albums together(But thats just me.)I prefer different headers i.e...Jazz-Male >Mile Davis-Kind of Blue,Miles Davis-Tutu...In Different Folders for each album(of Course) But all under "Jazz-Male"

      Theres Light at the end of the ripping / Streamer Tunnel now...just need to work out how I want the end result.

      Perhaps you can Send Some Piccy's garym to see how you Organise Naming your naming/Folders...this might help to see where Iam going Right (and wrong)
      Main answer is that I never use "my folders" menu item in the Squeezebox. This is for people that don't have good tags in their files so they have to look at things based on folder organization. With complete tags, you should never need to look at "my folders". Instead look at the menu items such as ARTIST, ALBUM ARTIST, ALBUM, GENRE, etc. (LMS 7.9 has ALBUM ARTISTS and ALL ARTISTS, 7.8 and earlier just has ARTISTS...don't worry about this difference)

      Here's some screen shots using regular menus based on metadata tags are in pictures 1-4 below (ignore the pic 5, as I can't seem to delete it):

      Click image for larger version

Name:	CropperCapture[1].jpg
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ID:	293168Click image for larger version

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ID:	293171Click image for larger version

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      Attached Files
      Last edited by garym; July 25, 2016, 07:10 PM.


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

        the way things look if I go to "music folder" in Squeezebox is:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	CropperCapture[6].jpg
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ID:	293177Click image for larger version

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ID:	293174Click image for larger version

Name:	CropperCapture[10].jpg
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Size:	33.2 KB
ID:	293173

        but keep in mind that my folder organization is:

        Attached Files


        • daleyb
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Oct 2014
          • 235

          Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

          Thanks for that info, Good to see Iam not too far off the Mark !.So in theory I dont have to rename Filename (but I will) I Guess how you organise is personal to each person. From Dummys Thread he's/She's putting in Year in the naming string. For me Iam just Going:[track] [artist] - [title]....But then maybe change to your (garym) Naming String for Comps/Multi -boxs set/Other artists On disc.

          Iam not sure if theres a "right" way of doing it.But IMHO to create a Folder with Artist>Then have his/her album/s names in another folder>Then the tracks for that album seems a bit long haul.(unless a Mutibox set)
          There again my way, you could argue why have the artist named again in Album track list, when you already know that (Via finding and opening/playing)?....So all you need is the track titles.

          Either way my Sq. Box seems to be working it out perfectly.Thank god (and garym).
          Ive downloaded the OP. System on my Squeeze and like the New Compilation folder. Ironically this was one reason i wanted to go back to my folders. Although I think they are under "V" for Various Albums in "Albums."
          One thing I Could not find On MP3 tag in Convert>Filename-tag was how to generate track no.It didnt matter I just copied the String garym gave me. Wheres the "$num" part...? I tried seeking it but could not find it at the side of window menus.

          Another thing I've corrected is where you get a Multi disc and add Convert In DBPA to get the same Album gain over multi box set. Before This wasn't always working.I now realise this was due to those Split CDs with wrong Album Tagging (Now corrected).The Converter recognised it was 2 different CDS Still- So wouldn't play ball.This may be obvious To garym and the Gurus....But it was'nt for me.(or though it is now...)
          Last edited by daleyb; July 26, 2016, 06:30 PM.


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

            the "$num" part is just typed into the box when you're doing the "tag to filename" conversion.

            I'm pleased you're enjoying your squeezebox. And yes, there is no single way to do this and everyone has their own preferences. I like to have a directory for an ARTIST, then a separate subdirectory for *each* album of that artist, and then within each of these separate ALBUM subdirectories I have all the tracks for this album.** I wouldn't want to have tracks from different albums mixed up in the same ARTIST subdirectory/folder. I might have some artists with 40 or 50 (or even 100s) of different albums. So I want these albums to all be contained in their own specific folder.

            **And if a multidisk, I like to have subdirectories under ALBUM for "Disc 1", "Disc 2", etc.

            p.s. cleaning up one's tagging, filenaming, and file organization is likely a lifetime job. I'll probably be tinkering with mine until they throw the dirt in on top of my casket. And I'm taking the digital files with me, just in case I can use them wherever I might end up!


            • daleyb
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Oct 2014
              • 235

              Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

              the "$num" part is just typed"...thats easy enough, but I would never got that on my own...Iam Still not 100% Which way I want to do it..But need to make my mind up quickish as I dont want to have to keep re tagging, changing folder layout etc...With Single artist Albums Its O.k. to have just track listing under Album/Artist Folder. But with Comps You really need all The artists names too with track listing.

              The SBT is great. My Turntable/ CD player have been made redundant.My House no longer looks like a CD warehouse.It looks like a CD ripping factory/warehouse instead!.....(but hopefully that will change too...)


              • garym
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Nov 2007
                • 5936

                Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                Originally posted by daleyb
                the "$num" part is just typed"...thats easy enough, but I would never got that on my own...Iam Still not 100% Which way I want to do it..But need to make my mind up quickish as I dont want to have to keep re tagging, changing folder layout etc...With Single artist Albums Its O.k. to have just track listing under Album/Artist Folder. But with Comps You really need all The artists names too with track listing.

                The SBT is great. My Turntable/ CD player have been made redundant.My House no longer looks like a CD warehouse.It looks like a CD ripping factory/warehouse instead!.....(but hopefully that will change too...)
                agree. That's why my naming string, uses "track number - track title - artist name" for compilation albums but only "track number - track title" for regular albums (as adding artist to file name is redundant because the entire album subdirectory is already under the ARTIST subdirectory.
                EDIT: And ultimately, the important part is having good and complete metadata (tag info). Because with good tag info one can always completely change the file naming, directory structure, etc. with a "batch" approach on hundreds of thousands of files.
                Last edited by garym; July 27, 2016, 12:16 PM.


                • daleyb
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Oct 2014
                  • 235

                  Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                  Originally posted by garym
                  agree. That's why my naming string, uses "track number - track title - artist name" for compilation albums but only "track number - track title" for regular albums (as adding artist to file name is redundant because the entire album subdirectory is already under the ARTIST subdirectory.
                  EDIT: And ultimately, the important part is having good and complete metadata (tag info). Because with good tag info one can always completely change the file naming, directory structure, etc. with a "batch" approach on hundreds of thousands of files.
                  UPDATE: I am now using Your (garym) naming string:
                  [IFCOMP]Compilations\[album] [IFMULTI] \Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title] - [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album][IFMULTI] \Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title][]

                  and I can see it covers both Single Artist CD's and Comps. In *my* Folders it mirrors your above example perfect.(just artist/ Album Title/ Then track listing only.(I will continue using this naming string now) In SBT/ squeeze play menu in Album /Artist Etc..I Can see it still pulls in both Artist Name-Title. I Can only assume you take Artist Name away via the web Control/menu-settings. This worked great leaving me just Track titles.

                  My Comps in Squeezeplay/Controller settings are now reading : No. Track Title By Artist.
                  I again Assume in Menu Settings it pulls in Various Artists and sorts it. Great.

                  I have Stopped all ripping to sort my folders Now.I need to Use the Format String IN MP3TAG Given by you (garym) to batch up and correct number/title folders/Albums.
                  I also think I have too many sub headers (i.e. Jazz -Female,Artist Comps Etc..-about 25 in all!) I need to streamline them . Do you have any (garym) In your folders or just go A-Z.??

                  Another bit of "info overload" is On my SBT GUI , when playing(with Artwork track title, Album name) a Comp on artist Name I get: Various Artists, Artist Name.
                  I dont really need to know its "Various Aritists" (I know that its a Comp already).....Maybe I need to remove this in Album Artist(where I always put in "Various Artists" via Mp3 tag...???
                  Once done I can back up and Continue..
                  Last edited by daleyb; July 31, 2016, 09:43 AM.


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5936

                    Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                    Originally posted by daleyb
                    UPDATE: I am now using Your (garym) naming string:
                    [IFCOMP]Compilations\[album] [IFMULTI] \Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title] - [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album][IFMULTI] \Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title][]

                    and I can see it covers both Single Artist CD's and Comps. In *my* Folders it mirrors your above example perfect.(just artist/ Album Title/ Then track listing only.(I will continue using this naming string now) In SBT/ squeeze play menu in Album /Artist Etc..I Can see it still pulls in both Artist Name-Title. I Can only assume you take Artist Name away via the web Control/menu-settings. This worked great leaving me just Track titles.

                    My Comps in Squeezeplay/Controller settings are now reading : No. Track Title By Artist.
                    I again Assume in Menu Settings it pulls in Various Artists and sorts it. Great.

                    I have Stopped all ripping to sort my folders Now.I need to Use the Format String IN MP3TAG Given by you (garym) to batch up and correct number/title folders/Albums.
                    I also think I have too many sub headers (i.e. Jazz -Female,Artist Comps Etc..-about 25 in all!) I need to streamline them . Do you have any (garym) In your folders or just go A-Z.??

                    Another bit of "info overload" is On my SBT GUI , when playing(with Artwork track title, Album name) a Comp on artist Name I get: Various Artists, Artist Name.
                    I dont really need to know its "Various Aritists" (I know that its a Comp already).....Maybe I need to remove this in Album Artist(where I always put in "Various Artists" via Mp3 tag...???
                    Once done I can back up and Continue..
                    your last point, where it shows various artists and the track artist, I don't know how to get rid of that. I see that too on my squeezebox display.

                    regarding sub headings (jazz-female), I don't use ANY subfolders like this (like your or like A-Z). I just have:

                    music/flac/artist/album/01 - tracktitle.flac
                    music/mp3AAConly/artist/album/01 - tracktitle.mp3

                    in both cases, where it is a compilation, there is no "artist" folder, just "Compilations"
                    music/flac/Compilations/album/01 - tracktitle - trackartist.flac

                    regarding what the squeezebox controller shows. I'm not exactly sure what you're looking at. there are lots of places to see your music library on your squeezeboxes (LMS, via web browser), on the screen of the touch itself, on a smart phone controller app (I use ipeng for iOS), etc. Some of these are modifiable. For example, for LMS web browser, you can change what shows. Go into LMS > SETTINGS, then see the pic below. (edit, you can type in whatever things you want in these display settings, but correct "variable names" are required. You can see examples in my picture.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	CropperCapture[1].jpg
Views:	1
Size:	57.0 KB
ID:	293183


                    • daleyb
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Oct 2014
                      • 235

                      Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                      Many Thanks garym your support and like Oggy points out Patience .Though One thing that connects us all (apart from a love of music-of course) Is Patience....To spend hours Ripping, tagging, correcting....It must be in our DNA!


                      • GVCCbob
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Jan 2019
                        • 91

                        Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                        When ripping Phantom of the Opera, box set,2 disc. It put one into LLoyd Weber folder, and one into compilations folder. I noticed name tags on the disc were different, with disc 1, and disc 2 in the names. I just reorganized myself into one folder and renamed the Name Tag.

                        Is there a way to auto do this?


                        • garym
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Nov 2007
                          • 5936

                          Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                          Originally posted by GVCCbob
                          When ripping Phantom of the Opera, box set,2 disc. It put one into LLoyd Weber folder, and one into compilations folder. I noticed name tags on the disc were different, with disc 1, and disc 2 in the names. I just reorganized myself into one folder and renamed the Name Tag.

                          Is there a way to auto do this?
                          metadata in the online databases is a mess bascially. Best that when you're ripping you insure that the ALBUM name is exactly the same, that the disc numbers are correct (1/2, 2/2), the ALBUM ARTIST is the same for all discs, and that the COMPILATIONS tag is not ticked.

                          If you don't notice this until after the fact, you can edit the ID tags and use ARRANGE AUDIO to automatically rename the files following the new tag info.


                          • GVCCbob
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Jan 2019
                            • 91

                            Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                            I just renamed the disk and moved the titles and music into the same folder on my NAS.

                            Any problems with that?

                            I know that did not change the metadata on the file, but does it matter.

                            Thanks for the response.


                            • GVCCbob
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • Jan 2019
                              • 91

                              Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                              Where is the arrange audio? What does that do?


                              • garym
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • Nov 2007
                                • 5936

                                Re: merging double/boxsets into 1 folder

                                Originally posted by GVCCbob
                                I just renamed the disk and moved the titles and music into the same folder on my NAS.

                                Any problems with that?

                                I know that did not change the metadata on the file, but does it matter.

                                Thanks for the response.
                                fixing the metadata is probably the MOST important thing to fix. Many servers/players use the metadata rather than file or directory name.

