Rip Status = x AR (34) V secure
Re: Rip Status = x AR (34) V secure
Hi, this question is about Tag.
I change the "Album List" of all the flac files under the folder
This PC > Music > Mozart Wings > Wind Concertos (Clarinet, horn, flute, oboe, bassoon), Disc 2
from "Mozart Wings" to "Mozart Winds".
Then drag the folder "Wind Concertos (Clarinet, horn, flute, oboe, bassoon), Disc 2
" from :
This PC > Music > Mozart Wings to
This PC > Music > Mozart Winds
The file named "Mozart Wings - Wind Concertos (Clarinet, horn, flute, oboe, bassoon), Disc 2.txt" inside the new folder
has not been changed to "Mozart Winds - ..."
Should I change the name from "Mozart Wings - bra bra bra.txt" to
"Mozart Winds - bra bra bra.txt" ?
I've enclosed the screen below here :
Last edited by paul poon; December 23, 2015, 12:26 PM.Comment
Re: Rip Status = x AR (34) V secure
Which tag? I can't tell from this post which tag you are referring to.
I change the "Album List" of all the flac files under the folder
This PC > Music > Mozart Wings > Wind Concertos (Clarinet, horn, flute, oboe, bassoon), Disc 2
from "Mozart Wings" to "Mozart Winds".
Then drag the folder "Wind Concertos (Clarinet, horn, flute, oboe, bassoon), Disc 2
" from :
This PC > Music > Mozart Wings to
This PC > Music > Mozart Winds
The file named "Mozart Wings - Wind Concertos (Clarinet, horn, flute, oboe, bassoon), Disc 2.txt" inside the new folder
has not been changed to "Mozart Winds - ..."
If Mozart Wings - Wind Concertos (Clarinet, horn, flute, oboe, bassoon), Disc 2.txt is the CDRipper log file, you can rename it.Comment
Re: Rip Status = x AR (34) V secure
Thank you garym and mville.
In answer to your question "Which tag? I can't tell from this post which tag you are referring to", I mean the ID-Tag.
I'm sorry to have written Album List to mean Album Artist.
Is it ok that I don't change the name of the log?Last edited by paul poon; December 23, 2015, 02:05 PM.Comment
Re: Rip Status = x AR (34) V secure
I never change the name of my logs even if I fix/change tags afterwards. The log txt file resides in the album subdirectory, so I know what it relates to if I ever need to look at it (and looking at it is extremely rare for me).Comment
Re: Rip Status = x AR (34) V secure
My situation is similar to the original post, but in my case, there is no "x" beside "AR" in the Rip Status column:
What does the absence of the little "x" mean? How should I interpret this?
I'm using a Mac. Here is the extraction log from my first attempt. A second attempt using a different drive had similar results:
dBpoweramp Digital Audio Extraction Log from 2016-02:21 01:02:16
Drive & Settings
Ripping with drive 'disk2 [HL-DT-ST - BD-RE WH16NS40]', Drive offset: 6, Overread Lead-in/out: No
AccurateRip: Active, Using C2: No, Cache: 1024 KB, FUA Cache Invalidate: No
Pass 1 Drive Speed: Max, Pass 2 Drive Speed: Max
Ultra:: Vary Drive Speed: No, Min Passes: 2, Max Passes: 4, Finish After Clean Passes: 2
Bad Sector Re-rip:: Drive Speed: Max, Maximum Re-reads: 34
Encoder: AIFF
DSP Effects / Actions: -dspeffect1="ReplayGain=-albummode={qt}0{qt} -itunnorm -r128 -r128lufs={qt}-23{qt}"
Extraction Log
Track 1: Ripped LBA 32 to 19432 (4:18) in 1:48. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/01 Rita Coolidge - Born Under a Bad Sign.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 78DC811A AccurateRip CRC: 3CB11904 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-1]
Track 2: Ripped LBA 19432 to 36170 (3:43) in 1:20. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/02 Rita Coolidge - We're All Alone.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 812D1368 AccurateRip CRC: C758FC73 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-2]
Track 3: Ripped LBA 36170 to 50505 (3:11) in 1:03. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/03 Rita Coolidge - Fool That I Am.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: FA701F30 AccurateRip CRC: 5200407C (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-3]
Track 4: Ripped LBA 50505 to 68810 (4:04) in 1:15. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/04 Rita Coolidge - (Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher and Higher.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 38FE08C2 AccurateRip CRC: 56E62D12 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-4]
Track 5: Ripped LBA 68810 to 93730 (5:32) in 1:35. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/05 Rita Coolidge - Nice Feelin'.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 16E6470F AccurateRip CRC: A6F04171 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-5]
Track 6: Ripped LBA 93730 to 110030 (3:37) in 0:58. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/06 Rita Coolidge - The Way You Do the Things You Do.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: CA3F9358 AccurateRip CRC: 40138FEF (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-6]
Track 7: Ripped LBA 110030 to 125802 (3:30) in 0:53. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/07 Rita Coolidge - I'd Rather Leave While I'm in Love.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 9112C22C AccurateRip CRC: F808D3A4 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-7]
Track 8: Ripped LBA 125802 to 141365 (3:27) in 0:51. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/08 Rita Coolidge - Words.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 0FF3DA65 AccurateRip CRC: D612493F (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-8]
Track 9: Ripped LBA 141365 to 157807 (3:39) in 0:51. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/09 Rita Coolidge - Only You Know and I Know.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 29403DF5 AccurateRip CRC: D07939C0 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-9]
Track 10: Ripped LBA 157807 to 175072 (3:50) in 0:52. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/10 Rita Coolidge - I Don't Want to Talk About It.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 524213AE AccurateRip CRC: D787C7F5 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-10]
Track 11: Ripped LBA 175072 to 190885 (3:30) in 0:46. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/11 Rita Coolidge - Fever.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: F04A4D19 AccurateRip CRC: A3FE10E8 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-11]
Track 12: Ripped LBA 190885 to 211795 (4:38) in 0:59. Filename: /Users/allan/Music/Rita Coolidge/Greatest Hits/12 Rita Coolidge - Am I Blue.aif
AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 3) Secure [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 2]
CRC32: 35255460 AccurateRip CRC: 269737EF (CRCv2) [DiscID: 012-0015143b-00c41d68-b40b070c-12]
12 Tracks Ripped Securely (AccurateRip: Different Pressing?)Comment
Re: Rip Status = x AR (34) V secure
This likely means the disc in the database is not the same as yours, it is a different pressing which is out of range that can be checked.Comment