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Crash on ripping

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  • bubbabri

    • Nov 2015
    • 5

    Crash on ripping

    Hey all, I saw a post that seemed to die earlier but I am getting an APPCRASH everytime I try and rip a CD. I used CD Ripper before when I had a trial and it was working fine with no problems. Now, it no longer does anything and just gives the window error (I already purchased it just recently). I've tried changing the communication from SPT to windows internal and both still give the same error on hitting rip. Even tried another CD and same error message. Tried playing the CD in CD Ripper and gives the error message. I'm not sure what to try next at this point.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Crash on ripping

    Please take a screen shot of the app crash window. Upload to or similar and provide a link to it.


    • bubbabri

      • Nov 2015
      • 5

      Re: Crash on ripping

      I'm testing a known CD that works when I had the trial several months back.




      • bubbabri

        • Nov 2015
        • 5

        Re: Crash on ripping

        I'm using a known CD that worked when I had the trial several months back.




        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44845

          Re: Crash on ripping

          The crash relates to an Invalid Instruction, which is quite generic, it can mean the OS is not upto date, or the cpu does not support the relevant command.

          Which version of Windows do you have? (it is fully patched to latest service packs?), which processor do you have?


          • bubbabri

            • Nov 2015
            • 5

            Re: Crash on ripping

            Sorry for late reply, just got off work and back home. I managed to tinker around a bit and found something interesting:

            I downloaded the trial for 15.1 a while back and that version ran fine, ripped CD's, encoded, everything fine during my trial. Forward to today with version 15.3 (purhcased) and the ripping does not work. I have not tried the other features as of yet.. Batch encode works (just tried it).

            I looked and found the old version 15.1 on an image I have of my pc and copied the files to my directory, obviously the trial is expired so I can't do much. I narrowed down to 2 files that are specific to my crashing. CDGrab.exe and CoreConverter.exe. After copying these 2 old 15.1 versions into my 15.3 directory, they now allow me to rip CD's without the APPCRASH. I looked at the notes for 15.2 and 15.3 but don't see anything of importance that could cause this issue I am having with it crashing with 15.3. It seems, however, that I cannot access the META data for retrieving with the older 15.1 versions... sigh.

            Otherwise, I seem to have found a way to solve my problem at the moment although not pretty, it works. As for my system: Win 7 64-bit. AMD FX-8320.
            Last edited by bubbabri; November 28, 2015, 10:35 PM.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44845

              Re: Crash on ripping

              R15.1 was compiled on Visual Studio 2010, R15.2 or newer is Visual Studio 2013.

              You need Service pack 1 on Windows 7 for this compiler.


              • bubbabri

                • Nov 2015
                • 5

                Re: Crash on ripping

                Just updated to SP1 and it has fixed my problem. Thanks for the help. Never had a problem not updating before lol.

