I use long file names. I had trouble with ripper generating spurious path names. I pared my specified "Path" string a bit and the problem went away. I suspect that the ripper is dropping chars from the right hand end of the specified "Path" string. Further, I suspect that the number of characters dropped is based on the length of the file name assembled based on the "Naming" specification. This variable determines the number of spurious path names. GBrown supports my conclusions with his reply “I think the filename character limit may be causing you some grief.”
I am now on the hairy edge. I don't want to argue my philosophy of broad and deep directories. Is file name length a restriction of the ripper or is it Windows? If my supposition is correct, can it be comfortably increased?
I am now on the hairy edge. I don't want to argue my philosophy of broad and deep directories. Is file name length a restriction of the ripper or is it Windows? If my supposition is correct, can it be comfortably increased?