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Faster ripping.

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  • Oggy
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2015
    • 697

    Faster ripping.

    Read any forum and there is always a lot of love for Plextor drives, not owning one I can only guess it is because they work! To me any drive that rips accurately, works and ripping discs inbetween 4 - 15 mins, I could live with. Ripping a large number of CDs is a job I only want to do once and correct album art, tagging and an accurate rip (and back-up!) Is worth the time.

    For convenience I was using a laptop and its internal drive to rip, nothing special a Celeron dual core x24 drive. Not knowing any different, and getting accurate rips on the first batch of CDs, I was happy until 2000 frame re-rip - copy protection! Bought an external TSST drive - rips a bit quicker, prevents damaging internal drive and rips said copy protected disc. All good until more fails on copy protection.

    However good a drive is on most discs, it is no good if it doesn't work! Still haven't bought a Plextor, but been using my old PC drives via a USB (2) adaptor. Results having tried 4 drives - sadly can't get Yamaha to work (shame, its supposed to be very good).
    Original HP drive, bit slow but good.
    Asus from 2003, noisy, works on most discs and quick - high x40s.
    Lite-On (has LightScribe) from 2007. The only disc I have found that this will not rip is a PDO Island CD that has completely bronzed - I can't read this on any drive that I own. This drive works, and works fast!

    Four months down the line and the TSST drive has failed.

    I ripped over 50 CDs on the Lite-On in the last couple of days and the worst that has happened is 5 secure rips in total.

    I only started using these old PC drives to rip the (mostly copy protected) discs that failed on the newer drives, but was shocked how much quicker they are - now taking 2-3 minutes per disc and early Beatles in around 11/2 mins. The fact every disc now works first time and with the quicker rip speeds, the time saving quickly adds up: completing 2-3 discs in the time it was previously taking to rip 1.

    As I said previously, my laptop is a Celeron dual core with USB 2 and another couple of cores would definitely be quicker again with additional encoding / ripping capabilities.

    Is an old Plextor better still? I don't know, but if you are ripping hundred / thousands of CDs, the time saving of a fast drive that works (on all protected discs) is enormous.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Faster ripping.

    As long as AccurateRip verifies then it is ok, Plextors are not fast rippers.


    • Oggy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2015
      • 697

      Re: Faster ripping.

      Originally posted by Spoon
      As long as AccurateRip verifies then it is ok, Plextors are not fast rippers.
      OK, thanks, that's interesting to know. Must say I've been really pleased with the Asus and especially the Lite-On and wouldn't splash the cash on a Plextor anyway.

      I don't know if it's a coincidence and I forgot to mention it, but all the drives I've been getting good results with are ide. Would be interested in knowing how much quicker the Lite-On would go with a quad core - I've been drinking far less cups of coffee since using it!!


