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Problem with Perfect Meta

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  • PAR

    • Oct 2015
    • 19

    Problem with Perfect Meta

    I have been trying to rip some CDs today. The albums are in accuraterip but when I review the metadata I am not seeing the usual 4 alternative databases only the suggested metadata in the leftmost column. The result is headed that it comes from cache.

    In "Metadata Options" Perfect Meta is checked as are the usual databases.

    What is going on and why can I not see the usual set of choices (which between them usually contain the correct metadata in total) ?
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

    In CDRipper, when you insert a CD for the first time, the metadata is retrieved from the 4 internet databases. When you eject the CD or close CDRipper, the metadata is written to the cache file (CDRipperCache.bin file) and on susbsequent inserts of the CD, the metadata is retrieved from the cache file.

    Cached metadata eventually gets overwritten, as you insert more CDs. The size of the cache file can be set here:
    CDRipper >> Meta dropdown menu >> Settings >> dBpoweramp Cache [Local]

    If you wish to re-retrieve metadata from the 4 internet databases, click the Meta button.
    If you wish to re-retrieve metadata from the 4 internet databases, as if you have inserted a CD for the first time, do the following:
    CDRipper >> Meta dropdown menu >> Clear Metadata, then click the Meta button.


    • PAR

      • Oct 2015
      • 19

      Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

      Many thanks for your response. The weird thing is that the CDs I inserted today (except for one) had never been placed in my optical drive before nor had there ever been an attempt at their being ripped by DBPA or anything else. So where has the cache come from? Also the metadata was pretty wrong and would not have been created by me and did not even comply with the DBPA metadata rules that I have selected. So, strange. BTW I am the only user of this PC, in fact I am the only person here.

      Since posting my earlier message I have, in the last few minutes, tried again and this time all is preceeding as normal and I have the usual choice of databases. I would guess that a server may have been down the last time I tried. It looks like that anyway as now all is fine without any action being taken by myself.


      • Aelfric

        • Nov 2015
        • 1

        Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

        I'm having exactly the same problem.

        This is on a brand new machine, and I decided to start ripping everything again from scratch rather than bring the library from the old machine.

        For the first few days, all was fine, and then suddenly yesterday reviewing metadata for discs showed only the left (editable) column in the Manual Meta Review screen and said the data came from the cache. This was for every disc, and given the circumstances there is zero chance these discs have been loaded previously.

        Pressing Meta seems to have worked, in that I now have all five columns again.


        • sclarke81

          • Mar 2016
          • 2

          Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

          I'm having the same problem and I haven't been able to get PerfectMeta working properly for weeks. When I insert a disc that has not been inserted before it retrieves data from All Media Guide. However, if I then review the PerfectMeta matches I only get the single column on the left and it says that the metadata is taken from cache. I have tried clearing and then retrieving the metadata for a disc and this works, but it still doesn't show any alternative metadata in the review window. I have tried reinstalling dBpoweramp but that didn't help. I'm using version 15.3 on Windows 10.

          If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this I'd really appreciate it.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

            Close CD Ripper then open explorer and type:


            Delete the file CDRipperCache Binary File, then it cannot load from cache.


            • sclarke81

              • Mar 2016
              • 2

              Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

              Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it didn't make any difference; everything behaves just the same.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

                If you kill the cache, then restart CD Ripper, then the metadata must be from one of the providers. On the metadata drop menu, make sure AMG, GD3, MusicBrain, freedb and Perfect Intelligent Metadata are all checked.


                • justaguy

                  • Jun 2016
                  • 2

                  Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

                  I too am having a similar issue. I deleted the cache per the instructions but after restart, and reinserting the disc, then selecting - review metadata - at the top **Metadata Taken From Cache** All sources are selected from the drop down menu. It has only happened on 2 disk out of the 20 or so I have done using the app. All others disk are providing 4 options from the information providers with no setting changes required after the disk with issue.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

                    If you click the metadata button it is read fresh from the internet, not from cache.


                    • justaguy

                      • Jun 2016
                      • 2

                      Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

                      I decided to keep a close eye on what I was doing wrong and found that I was closing the program before ripping the disk, and so the disk had been read. My Bad.


                      • royaltiger

                        • Jun 2004
                        • 13

                        Re: Problem with Perfect Meta

                        A tiny fix I found for this problem was to disable/uncheck all four databases, then clear the meta data, then install/enable one database, hit the meta tab, then hit the review perfect meta data matches, you should start to see each database come back again,as you then enable another database, hit meta tab and then review meta etc.
                        Last edited by royaltiger; December 04, 2017, 10:40 AM.

