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Mike Oldfield - Platinum

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  • Ogodei

    • May 2015
    • 12

    Mike Oldfield - Platinum

    Hi Folks.

    I'm trying to rip a 1979 dated copy of the above. CD Ripper causes the DVD drive read speed to a low x6 up to x9 and all but one of the tracks fails with the error below:

    Error ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to '\\NORMAN\music FLAC\Mike Oldfield\Platinum\01 - Airborn.flac'
    Error unable to open File '\\NORMAN\music FLAC\Mike Oldfield\Platinum\01 - Airborn.flac' for writing. [clEncoder::BeginConversion]

    I've never had a failed track yet and have ripped over 300 CDs. There are some minor marks on the disc which plays perfectly on a CD player. It occurs to me that there might be something odd about the disc.

    Any thoughts would be welcome. Regards, Ogodei.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Mike Oldfield - Platinum

    It means this location:

    \\NORMAN\music FLAC

    Is not available to be written to, try browsing to it with Windows Explorer, if Windows asks for username and password that is the reason why.


    • Ogodei

      • May 2015
      • 12

      Re: Mike Oldfield - Platinum

      Many thanks - again Mr Spoon. Best wishes.

