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Get titles etc. from CD

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  • jojon

    • Jan 2025
    • 2

    Get titles etc. from CD

    I have many compilation jazz cds which can't get the metadata from online so I have to put it in manually which is a pain. Why can't it be loaded from the cd itself? Ordinary media players manage it.
  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1807

    Did you enable "CD text" as a provider?

    Dat Ei


    • jojon

      • Jan 2025
      • 2

      Yes. All the cd options are ticked. Always have been but nothing happens.


      • Dat Ei
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2014
        • 1807

        Which version of dBpa do you use?

        Dat Ei


        • schmidj
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2013
          • 526

          The great majority of CDs have no CD text included. When CDs were first issued, they were considered a replacement for LPs, they played on CD players that functioned like turntables, no metadata, the metadata was the text printed inside the jewel box case. Then, years later, when CD jukeboxes came along, Sony thought it would be nice to have a means of the metadata to appear on a display on the CD Jukebox, and came up with a specification for CD Text, to be part of the CD subcode. But it really didn't catch on with most of the record companies. Most CDR burning software and some CD mastering software includes support for CD text, but the people engineering the limited distribution CDRs often use it to keep track of takes or whatever, forgetting that some people can see it when they play the CDR. So sometimes you can see things like "Take 3", or "With New Horns" instead of the song title. However, few mass-market CDs include any CD text.

