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Uncheck "Compilation" Box?

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  • Michael S.

    • May 2024
    • 35

    Uncheck "Compilation" Box?

    Is there a way to set CD Ripper to always uncheck the "Compilation" box? I don't won't to use this. If not, does this matter? Can it show up in Metadata somewhere or can I just ignore it and leave it checked?
  • simbun
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2021
    • 118

    Rather than uncheck it which can have unintended consequences (see below), just prevent it from being written:
    CD Ripper Options > Tags & Filenames > Meta Data & ID Tag > Options > Write ID Tags
    Note: If always unchecked or unavailable (post ripping), you won't be able to use the dBpoweramp Compilation/Not Compilation actions in any operations.

    As long as you have the AlbumArtist tag populated (typically with 'Various Artists') for compilation albums, the grouping of tracks to form albums should work, but some servers do make use of it in other ways e.g. Lightweight Music Server uses it to drive a Compilation filter in its UI.


    • vilsen
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jul 2018
      • 194

      I use both COMPILATION=1 on compilations and ALBUM ARTIST on all albums as they are pretty much standard. If a player doesn't need them they don't harm anything, as they are just tags.

      Those tags could save you troubles - now, or later on if you change to other servers/players.


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        There are servers/players that will automatically use the COMPILATION = 1 info. So if you dont want to use it, i would untick it at the time of ripping.

