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Artist Name Starting with "The" being changed....

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  • dre

    • Nov 2023
    • 5

    Artist Name Starting with "The" being changed....

    How do I stop the software putting ", The" at the end of the artist name if their name starts with "The"? If I want "The Beatles" to be listed as "The Beatles" then where can I set this? I don't want them to be listed as "Beatles, The". While this is fine to change a single artist album I am getting fed up when a compilation album has half the artists changed this way. Sure, if you want "The Rolling Stones" to be listed as "Rolling Stones, The" or "The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band" as "Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band, The" that's fine but I don't, I want the artist name to be as listed as it is on the database, Discogs etc and as iTunes displayed names (and ripped them) for me.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    CD Ripper >> options menu >> CD Ripper Options >> metadata & id tags

    Uncheck Replease 'The [artist]' with '[artist], the'


    • dre

      • Nov 2023
      • 5

      AH!! THANK YOU, on a MAC (I'm moving over from 30+ years of windows use) it's DBpoweramp CD Ripper Options. Tags & Filenames.

      I'd NEVER have found those settings otherwise. I also found autoreplace, so don't have to (hopefully) have to change every ft/ft. to featuring


